[Board] Changing the name of the "AGM"

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 01:52:39 PDT 2012

For reference, our OSGeo Bylaws state:

Section 8.2. Annual Meeting. A meeting of the members shall be held 
annually at such time as the Board of Directors may determine, at which 
annual meeting the members shall elect Directors to fill any vacancies 
or expiring terms, and transact other proper business.


Like Arnulf, I question the AGM purpose and the form it is currently taking.

Re "elect Directors" - We do an excellent job of selecting directors 
virtually, (mainly via email) which doesn't happen at the AGM.
Re "transacting other proper business", I'd argue that a conference 
venue, with hundreds of people in the audience, is a poor venue for 
communicating and debating ideas. We do a much better job in our virtual 
IRC and email forums.

Conference venues are good for broadcast communication - one person 
presenting to hundreds, possibly with a back channel of limited 
questions. So yes, chapter reports can be presented at conferences, but 
I agree with Arnulf that it need not be called an AGM, and I'd be open 
to seeing the AGM shaped into a virtual forum.

On 19/09/2012 11:11 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Folks,
> we have always had something called the "AGM" at FOSS4G but it never
> really was an "Annual General Meeting" as defined in legal terms. This
> year it was suggested to move the AGM to another event because the
> global FOSS4G was postponed for a year.
> But the term "AGM" is not really good because we never managed to have
> a reasonably representative share of members turn up. In recent
> versions of the "AGM" the Local Chapters gave (lightning) talks about
> their activities and we then conclude with an open dialog between
> everybody physically in the room. This was fine and especially the
> Local Chapter talks can be nicely compiled into a presentation to be
> given anywhere. But it is not really an "AGM". Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Arnulf
> - -- 
> Seven of Nine
> http://arnulf.us/Seven
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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