[Board] Fwd: FOSS4G 2014 RFP Vote

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Jul 22 05:36:24 PDT 2013

On 13-07-22 8:33 AM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
> Right, this makes sense Arnulf.
> My concern was merely that if there is one proposal with "broad support"
> (a.k.a. conflict of interest), and all those people step out of voting
> (both on the conf committee as on the board), the vote will be very
> skewed. This is exactly what Daniel has pointed out.

BTW, I believe Mark Lucas is on the DC LOC so we'd lose him as well for 
the vote unless I'm mistaken.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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