[Board] secretary duties

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Jan 15 12:35:23 PST 2014

Hi Jachym, how is the foundation still tied to British Columbia, Canada ?


On 1/15/2014, 4:20 PM, Jáchym Čepický wrote:
> Hi all,
> little bit late, but hopefully not too much, there are certain
> things, which secretary should do annually, namely:
> * File Delaware franchise tax and file annual report (one step)
> * File British Columbia extra-provincial society annual report
> Both were traditionally organized/done by Treasurer. I would like
> to ask, if we (or better Daniel) have track on this, or if there
> is anything, I should/must do right now?
> Thank you
> Jachym

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