[Board] resignation

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 02:31:17 PDT 2014

On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:05:38 +0200
Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree on this. Jeff (and others), I really see no point on fighting
> anyone. You can not prohibit people to talk each other, that is one of
> foss4g tasks and scope. And I always try to put people together,
> rather then splitting them. I wish, I could talk to some of the ESRI
> guys more :-( but I managed to talk to people about locationtech
> topic. Bart, things are happening. OSGeo tries to define it's
> position to locationtech, things are moving now, we are on it. And we
> will see, as I always say.

Board, all,

I agree with Jachym, things are moving.
However, not everyone in OSGeo agrees on this movement. There are
different opinions, that I recognise as valid, but are not similar
enough to let OSGeo take one clear direction.

This is also due to the openness of the question. OSGeo as a Foundation
can take the decision, either to refuse/delay collaboration, and keep
managing its activities (in a broad sense) by itself. Otherwise, it can
decide for collaboration with other groups on common goals.

I think that both ways are possible, but require different efforts, and
lead to different results. This is the big question that I see hidden
behind much of the last discussions, within Board and on Discuss thread.

As Jachym and others, I am in favour of experimenting collaboration
with LocationTech about co-organisation of an event, then decide
about a long-term cooperation.
I feel it is an opportunity that is available to OSGeo, that deserves a
try. If we see that this (or other) collaboration dilutes OSGeo spirit
too much, then we can decide to improve it, and if not possible, to
step back, and/or try to collaborate on other topics.

On a bigger scale, there are also some weaknesses of OSGeo (finance?
promotion?..) that can be improved by moving from volunteer
contributions into a more structured, managed way. Again, it is an open
question: it is perfectly acceptable to keep things going as now. It
depends on what expectations OSGeo (as a community, in the broader
sense) has on OSGeo (as an infrastructure, a set of services, a player
in geospatial domain, etc). This is a broad question that requires more
than a Board meeting to be answered.

[ps: Steven and Jo were faster than me in summarising the situation,
but I send this mail anyway.] 


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