[Board] Motions from 2016-04-14 board meeting

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 13:43:42 PDT 2016

Thanks for recording Sanghee:

> 1. MOT1: Approve prior meeting minutes from March 2016

Minutes are here <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2016-3-10> -
two motions are still marked pending.


> 2. Transfer 10K USD Travel Grant for FOSS4G-2016 (acceptance of abstract
> not a precondition)


I note from IRC "delegate the responsibility to allocate travel grants to
the LOC" - can I confirm that this is still the motion? The above
"acceptance of abstract not a precondition" reads like a suggestion to the

3. MOT3: Financial support for OSGeo to get the OSGeo-Live DVD to the
> conference, Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre April (as suggested
> by vasile on ML)

> 4. MOT4: OSGeo to fund 2,000USD for OSGeo USB sticks at Upper Midwest
> Geospatial Conference (UMGEOCON 2016)

Considering MOT3 and MOT4 together I am +1.

I am not comfortable with the board approving resources to one and not the
other - although I would prefer if marketing committee could make the
decision based on their outreach objectives for the year. Making judgment
calls on a case by case basis based on what may be effective is not really

For me a key element of the osgeo-live thumbdrives is the branding
opportunity; as delegates reformat the drive when out of date and continue
to use them for years.

Although the idea of recovering media costs from participants is attractive
(from a not our financial obligation perspective) it misses the point that
conference provides are offering us a perk that is worth money. A
corporation in the same situation would often be changed a fee to provide
an item such as this to conference attendees.

I feel really bad that we (as an organization) have taken this long to
respond, and to respond with a discussion rather than a clear +1 seems in
poor form.

5. MOT5: Next meeting 12 May (Thursday)

+1 I am available that date. Is it worth scheduling a hangout - or even a
coffee date for those going to foss4gna?

Jody Garnett
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