[Board] Dear President [?????]

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Nov 2 13:50:49 PDT 2017

Hi Barend,

I take the blame here, it was an idea I had, shared without background 
research and explanation.  Many are pointing out that I was very wrong. 
I am sorry.  I am trying to propose a way forward for the leadership of 
the foundation, openly.  Others are right, the Board will need to decide.

But my words do have meaning, for me, to both Helena and Venka, who I 
have the utmost respect for, as leaders.  I believe they can help bring 
the leadership needed for the OSGeo community.


On 2017-11-02 5:25 PM, b.j.kobben at utwente.nl wrote:
> Can someone PLEASE explain these messages? It's hard enough to follow what goes on as a charter member, but if even following all messages on <board> and <discuss> leaves us with apparent huge gaps in what goes on, it becomes impossible...
> I understood that Venka was not re-elected, so how can he be asked to be President (together with Helena or not)....?
> yours, utterly confused,
> --
> Barend Köbben
> On 02/11/2017, 20:21, "Board on behalf of Jody Garnett" <board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>      I understand Jeff, I have a slight different vision for the board - focused on enabling our participants and committees, rather than asking the board to assume so much activity.
>      This is why we have a diverse board, discussion, and reach a direction together.
>      --
>      Jody Garnett
>      On 2 November 2017 at 12:17, Jeff McKenna
>      <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>      Hi all,
>      This is a message asking Venka to attend the next meeting, and an idea I have to have both Helena and Venka lead OSGeo.  It is me being kind and respectful, speaking from the heart.  This is not an attack against anyone.  We can of course all decide what is
>       best as a Board at the next meeting.  This was meant as a nice kind message to propose a way forward for the foundation.  There have been lots of messages against me, so many negative messages out there archived, I am just trying to share what I have been
>       thinking and being very positive.  I think it's ok to talk about the leadership of the foundation openly and in a positive way.  And what a better way than to have an executive board of 4, share the workload (2 presidents and 2 VPs).  I of course have much
>       experience in this, and I feel that this idea would be very helpful, the sharing of the work.  I was just being respectful to Venka, his leadership, and all of the great work that Helena has done behind the scenes, and putting an idea out there to help lead
>       the foundation.  I think this is a nice way forward for the foundation, I have no other motive.  I am sorry if this message was misinterpreted.  -jeff
>      On 2017-11-02 3:05 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>      Dear Venka-sensei,
>      Today during the OSGeo Board meeting, Angelos and I vocally proposed you remain as the OSGeo President (to be honest, I proposed a dual presidency of both you and Helena).  I think this is a magical team.
>      I formally request that you attend the next OSGeo Board meeting, as the OSGeo President (even if you cannot attend, you will still be the OSGeo President). But I think attending can help.
>      I would very much like to see OSGeo's first dual presidency of Helena and you in place.  (let's leave the bylaws aside for a second, and this is me proposing this to you)
>      Thank you Venka for your leadership.  (I had suggested this to Helena during the meeting)  Thank you also Helena for your continued great leadership.  You both have my utmost respect.  I thought about this all of last night.
>      With all my love, passion, life, energy, heart, career, ability to earn a living, willingness to help others through even the worst attacks and criticisms, willingness to take one for the team, willingness to fall down even in front of thousands, willing to
>       just try, I am forever yours OSGeo,
>      -Jeff McKenna
>      Family.

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