[Board] Fwd: [QGIS UserConf 2019] Financial support request. More precise budget attached

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 13:00:16 PST 2019

Luigi you can count on our support, we just have not passed our budget yet
(so we cannot act until Monday’s meeting). Thank you for the revised
numbers also.

The main open question is if we should consider this part of our budget for
the QGIS PSC (my preference as this is project specific) or part of a new
“events” budget.

I trust you are able to attend Monday’s meeting? This is a topic for the
adgenda: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2019-01-21

On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 10:03 AM Luigi Pirelli <luipir at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi boad
> We updated the budget [1] with more realistic numbers. We reduced the
> expected numbers of attenders due to short registration time.
> We also contacted with the definitive catering service so we had more
> realistic numbers.
> We also changed completely the venue due to technical problem and this
> introduced less costs for the venue but more costs to give lunch also to
> the workshop attenders because we are in a campus during carnival holidays
> without all food facilities.
> We also removed QGIS estimated budget because most of it would be used to
> cover developers costs for the hackfest and the OSGEO part because have to
> be decided in amount and modality.
> let us know is we can count on your financial support
> Luigi Pirelli on behalf of the organisation committee
> [1]
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4btuoagyrigc9au/New%20Budget%20User%20Conference%20QGIS%202019.pdf?dl=0
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 at 23:49, Luigi Pirelli <luipir at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> OSGEO and QGIS boards, I'm Luigi Pirelli, writing on behalf of the "Asociaciòn
>> QGIS España" <http://qgis.es/>and Xeoinquedos <http://xeoinquedos.eu/>
>> Galicia, that is the organisation committee for the next QGIS User
>> Conference and developer meeting. <http://2019.qgis.es/>
>> With this mail we officially ask for financial contribution of the event.
>> Attached you can find the estimated budget of the event in which we added
>> two income related to OSGEO and QGIS.org financial support of the event.
>> The amounts has been set basing on previous user conf financed by OSGEO and
>> QGIS.org.
>> Please let us know any information or detail necessary to facilitate the
>> process.
>> Luigi Pirelli on behalf of the organisation committee
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Jody Garnett
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