[Board] Request for Second Tranche of RfP

Besfort Guri besfort.guri at flossk.org
Wed May 17 07:06:11 PDT 2023

Dear Board Members,

I attached the wrong document, now fixed.

Best regards,

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 12:22 PM Besfort Guri <besfort.guri at flossk.org>

> Dear Board Members,
> We hope this email finds you well.
> We’re writing to inform you that we are up to date with all the things
> needed to organize the conference and the preparations are going smoothly.
> However, we have spent approximately 5,000€ more than the first tranche of
> installment and now we need a second tranche in the amount of 80,000€ that
> covers the expenses till the beginning of the conference. After the
> conference, together we will calculate the difference to return any unused
> funds.
> We would be grateful if you could process this request as soon as possible
> so that we can continue with our preparations for the conference.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Best regards,
> Besfort Guri
> FOSS4G 2023 Chair
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