[OSGeo-Boston] Re: OLPC Health Mapping Discussion - 9AM EDT Mon, Sept 13 (Kendall Sq/Conf Call)

Holt holt at laptop.org
Sun Sep 12 13:16:32 EDT 2010

Thanks all for joining Monday 9AM EDT (Boston Time, that's 19hrs45min 
from now) for Rumi Chunara's presentation and community Q&A, where ~10 
PDF slides and a live phone number will be posted.  Join us here, at 
that time:


Firefox preferred -- or point your favorite IRC client software to 
channel #olpc-help on irc.freenode.net -- thanks all for your 
input+ideas on the call!

Holt wrote:
> Please join us 9AM Monday Sept 13, discussing Rumi Chunara's health 
> surveillance work below, at Harvard Medical School, and its possible 
> OLPC relevance?
> Ms. Chunara will appear at OLPC in Kendall Sq, Cambridge, 
> Massachusetts in person, giving a very snappy 10+ min presentation of 
> her ideas around this fascinating topic -- then asking for your 
> practical reflections on our global society increasingly entering the 
> Ushahidi / Crisis-Mapping / Grassroots Mapping era:
>     /"I'm working for a group that runs HealthMap (see:
>     http://healthmap.org).  As you will see, we look for disparate
>     information sources to track Health events.
>     I was thinking that since OLPC reaches so many people in so many
>     places, there could be some interesting information obtained from
>     each of the computers when in use, that could be used for
>     downstream interpretation as well as possibly for feedback about
>     efficacy of some OLPC programs, that we could visualize and use
>     such as the information we currently use on HealthMap.  I'm sure
>     there a whole host of privacy and other logistical matters
>     regarding this, but I [nevertheless would love to investigate]
>     these possibilities.
>     I think there could be some very neat and useful properties
>     obtained, and OLPC can make use of it's penetration to-date to
>     initiate this type of work."/
> All please RSVP to me privately if you want our exact Kendall Sq 
> location and/or conf-call digits!  Also please read up on Rumi Chunara 
> and her 14-person HealthMap team: (http://healthmap.org/theteam/)
>     /*Rumi Chunara, PhD* is a Research Fellow at HealthMap and Harvard
>     Medical School with a background in building biological sensors.
>      Rumi is particularly interested in information obtained from
>     sensors and how it can be used to augment health care.  She is
>     trained as an engineer and her doctoral studies were through the
>     Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. She also
>     has gained clinical experience at hospitals in Pakistan, Kenya and
>     the US./
> Committed to advancing the wider R&D challenge around live-mapping 
> disaster/response?? Strongly consider Oct 1-3's Crisis Mappers Net 
> Fair & Conference at Tufts University: 
> http://www.crisismappers.net/page/iccm-2010-haiti-and-beyond
> PS Kudos to Beth Santos for similarly making strides building strong 
> OLPC Health connections around sanitation/water science "curriculum" 
> this past Monday 9AM, with possible immediate applications for the 
> kids Waveplace.org is helping in Haiti by end of year.
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