[OSGeo-Brasil] GISVM - GIS Virtual Machine

Pablo Carreira pablotcarreira em hotmail.com
Quinta Novembro 26 13:29:59 EST 2009

Grass and gis users,
Here is the link to the GISVM project:


"GISVM is a free(dom) and ready to use anywhere Geographic Information System Virtual Machine.

Based on the amazing Virtualization technology, GISVM is a complete virtual computer
with it's own Operating System and a complete set of Free Open Source
GIS software applications. And, as a Virtual Machine, it can be used on
top of almost any operating system environment.

It has been developed keeping in mind those who are taking
their first steps in the Free GIS software world. Apart from being
practical, it allows you to use it wherever and however you want to,
without install complications."

Pablo Torres Carreira

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