=>>Re: [Conference-cee] invoice and payment

Tue May 15 22:29:06 PDT 2012

This gi2012 thing looks like spam to me


don't forget to visit as well the pre-event

 *   "GI2012-OpenDataPolicies-FORUM"
 *   in DRESDEN, 18./19.05.2012,
 *   just only 140 km from Praha... !
 *   fh / 16:00

GI2012-OpenDataPolicies -FORUM,
Dresden: 18./19.05.2012
Keynotes by OGC, OSGeo, CCSS.cz, CNR.it !
The REGISTRATION Form & the preliminary
FINAL PROGRAMME AGENDA have been published !!
Access to GI2012 is free of charge, but a small
Social service fee is due but with extra rebate for
Students and CEE participants only !
[ http://GDI-SN.blogspot.com<http://gdi-sn.blogspot.com/> ]
Kontakt: +49-351-403.2729 | +49-170-410.9611
Email: [ GI2012 at IGN-SN.de | info at GDI-SN.de ]

 *   Final Abstract delivery: 10.04.2012 !
 *   Summary submission deadline: 23.04.2012 !!!
 *   PPT-Presentation submission latest deadline: 10.05.2012 !!!!
[ http://www.SDImag.com/20120423732/GI2012-Open-Data-Policies-Forum.html<http://www.sdimag.com/20120423732/GI2012-Open-Data-Policies-Forum.html> ]
[ https://wiki.OpenStreetMap.org/wiki/GI2012-OpenDataPolicies-FORUM<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GI2012-OpenDataPolicies-FORUM> ]
[ http://ePSIplatform.eu/content/gi2012-open-data-policies-forum<http://epsiplatform.eu/content/gi2012-open-data-policies-forum> ]
[ http://FOSS4G-CEE.org/12-sachsisches-gis-forum-gi2012/<http://foss4g-cee.org/12-sachsisches-gis-forum-gi2012/> ]
[ http://www.energee3.com/rasscsi/taxonomy/term/1088 ]
[ http://www.GoCART-Online.com/?p=3473<http://www.gocart-online.com/?p=3473> ]
[ http://www.CAGI.cz/novinka.php?id=316<http://www.cagi.cz/novinka.php?id=316> ]
[ INTERVIEW<http://www.sdimag.com/20120302584/sdi-interviews-jarmo-ratia-of-national-land-survey-of-finland-on-open-data.html> ] by Roger LONGHORN, SDI-Magazine:
"... During the year 2011 we came to the conclusion that in the long
run it is economically better as a whole for the Finnish Society to
let all users to use the same reference data rather than limit the
usage by charging for it..."
SOURCE: Jarmo RATIA, Director General and CEO of the
National Land Survey of Finland, @SDI-Magazine, 02.03.2012
[ skype: fh-ign ]
[ http://www.IGN-SN.de<http://www.ign-sn.de/> ]
[ mailto:vorstand at IGN-SN.de ]
[ Latitude:     +51.019696269676 E ]
[ Longitude:  +13.7347078736682 N ]
[ tel # fax: +49-351-403.2729 # 401.4260 ]
[ http://de.linkedin.com/pub/IGN-Vorstand/21/a66/64a ]
[ http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/IGN-Vorstand/100001648951366 ]
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