[Conference-europe] FOSS4G Europe 2024

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 03:49:17 PDT 2023

Dear Tonis,

Given the discussion at the conference committee mailing list, we are 
now making a motion to approve your request now on Loomio.

Best regards,

On 6/1/23 14:17, Tõnis Kärdi wrote:
> Dear board members,
> Thank you for having me on the board meeting last Tuesday.
> As discussed, the FOSS4GE 2024 Tartu LOC is working on a grant 
> application to EAS (Enterprise Estonia) [1] in order to secure extra 
> funding for the European conference next year. For that purpose we 
> would need a letter of confirmation from OSGeo that the Estonian 
> Geoinformatics Society (EstGIS) [2] in cooperation with the University 
> of Tartu Department of Geography [3] have been granted the possibility 
> to organize the FOSS4G Europe 2024 conference in Tartu, Estonia. It 
> can be a free-form email stating the-matter-of-fact, or a small 
> announcement on the OSGeo homepage, either one would be sufficient.
> Thanks and all the best,
> Tõnis Kärdi
> [1] https://eas.ee/en/
> [2] https://estgis.ee/en/
> [3] https://geograafia.ut.ee/en
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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