[OSGeo-Conf] My Beijing questions

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Jul 13 14:01:58 EDT 2011

Hello Liu Yuzhang and the Beijing local committee,

Thank you for submitting a letter of intent to host the FOSS4G event.  I 
have some questions regarding your letter below, that I hope can be 
answered on this mailing list by one of your local committee members:

- Although many private sector companies are mentioned in your letter, 
your local committee contains no private sector representatives.  Am I 
wrong on this statement?  Or was this by design?

- Has your local committee given any thought to a potential theme for 
the event? (such as FOSS4G within GIS Industry)

- Have you begun initial talks with the BICC venue?  What dates/months 
are potentially available? (I do see that you mention September later in 
the letter)

- I know it must have been difficult to submit a proposal for FOSS4G 
2010 and then not have it accepted.  Can you briefly explain the 
differences from that proposal/proposed team and this current one? 
Where has there been improvements, in your opinion?

- Your letter of intent is 3 pages long, yet the guidelines specifically 
stated "a maximum of 2 pages" for the letter of intent, can you explain 
why your letter is not within those guidelines?

Finally, I have had the pleasure of visiting your wonderful city of 
Beijing, in November 2010.  I know I have many things still to do there, 
including finishing a table tennis match :)



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