[OSGeo-Conf] 2013 Letter of Intent Results

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 23:20:54 EDT 2012

On 17/04/2012 4:20 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> In the interests of (partial) transparency, the results are:
> - Nottingham 4
> - Helsinki 2
> - Prague 1
> Nottingham and Helsinki are therefore invited to submit full proposals
> by the May 31, 2012 deadline. If you would prefer to withdraw and do
> not plan to submit a full proposal, please let me know as soon as
> possible.

Before we ask two cities to pull together two comprehensive, and time 
consuming proposals, which will consume a decent amount of OSGeo's 
collective volunteer energy, I'd like to question what we would gain 
from the 2 proposals, beyond what we have already?

* Who amongst the volunteers on our committee will have the time to read 
the 50 to 100 odd pages put forward by both cities?
* How many of us are likely to change our vote based upon the extra 
information provided?

Should we continue with asking two cities to put forward proposals, then 
we should let cities know which way other committee members are likely 
to vote in the next round. Ie. Ask members who haven't voted so far, but 
who intend to vote on the next round, to indicate their preference to 
cities. (Paul would you mind collecting extra votes and then publishing 

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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