[OSGeo-Conf] Kicking off the 2016 process

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Dec 11 00:11:23 PST 2014

Hi Cameron,

Comments inline below:

On 2014-12-10 2:33 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I've read through, and document looks pretty good. Thanks.

great, thanks for taking the time to review it.

> 1. Following on from Till's comment about FOSSGIS being listed in the
> past FOSS4G conferences.
> As you will have noticed, OSGeo/FOSS4G has now grown to the point where
> there are now multiple FOSS4G regional and local events happening every
> year.
> You can get an indication for the number from our OSGeo-Live history
> page, which lists where OSGeo-Live is used:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_History
> If FOSSGIS is listed, then some of the other large FOSS4G events should
> also be listed (FOSS4G-NA immediately comes to mind considering that
> attracts comparable, if not more people than FOSSGIS and FOSS4G).
> We could try and list all regional and possibly local events, but I
> suspect that it will become too difficult to keep up to date. As such,
> it would likely be easier to only list the FOSS4G main annual events.

Regarding this RFP, I agree with you that regional events could and 
should be documented here.  It will take me some time/effort, but I will 
start to contact regional event teams for reports, to be included in 
future requests for hosting.  I feel this is very important.

> 2. Lessons Learned from 2012 is not listed. (This was our failed year).
> While painful to remember, I think we learned a lot from the experience
> we gained that year, which was captured in the lessons learned.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2012_Lessons_Learned

Excellent point.  I've added the 2012 Lessons Learned wiki page, and 
committed the document to SVN.


- added the 2014 report from Darrell (and mentioned that he has shared 
with me a short financial report as well, and that I can be contacted to 
share privately).  I will forward that privately to the OSGeo Board now

- fixed copy/paste error in Stage1 of doc, reported by Till

Committed in SVN.


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