[OSGeo-Conf] Several old FOSS4G sites no longer online?

Gavin Fleming gavin at afrispatial.co.za
Mon May 12 00:45:35 PDT 2014

Hi all

The FOSS4G2008 site needs some attention as part of the exercise being 
discussed in this thread. Firstly it should be brought back up (as a 
static site is fine). But a bigger issue stems from a while back (this 
thread[1]) when there was a server migration and all the linked papers 
and presentations weren't migrated, or at least the links were lost. The 
full value of the restored site archive will be realised if these can be 
restored too.



On 26/04/2014 12:05, Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Dave Patton <dave at patton.org> wrote:
> ...
>> Out of curiosity, I checked the Internet Archive
> ...
>> Perhaps OSGeo can leverage their snapshots, rather
>> than having to spend time making static copies
>> of past (possibly dynamic) FOSS4G websites?
> Making static copies is AFAIK a matter of a few minutes...
> I just wanted to do that but cannot login into the webextra VM any
> longer after the yesterday's restart.
> Markus
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Gavin Fleming
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