[OSGeo-Conf] the board passed a motion to award FOSS4G 2015 to South-Korea

Sanghee Shin shshin at gaia3d.com
Fri May 16 05:45:52 PDT 2014

Dear all, 

On behalf of the FOSS4G 2015 LOC, I would like to thank conference committee and board of OSGeo for your awarding FOSS4G 2015 to South Korea. 

Actually I feel honored, excited and at the same time feel terrified just like Steven mentioned. However I believe that we could make FOSS4G 2015 successful one with helps & assists of inside/outside LOC in spite of many difficulties and challenges before us. I hope I and other LOC members could get fun & meanings through long journey of the conference preparation. 

Your help and assist are also essential for the success of FOSS4G 2015. Number of delegates, profit of the conference can be the good metrics of success of FOSS4G 2015. At the same time, amount of mutual help & assist, active interaction around LOC can be also good metrics of success of the conference. I’m very happy to see Cameron, Steven’s willingness to help us. Your previous experiences will definitely be great asset to us. I’ll ask many help from you & other OSGeo leaders, please do not turn your face away. ha..  

Anyway.. I created wiki page for the FOSS4G 2015 here http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2015 and will draft our first press release there soon. 

By the way, Bart, will you announce the selection of Seoul to the OSGeo Discuss mailing list? 

Have a nice weekend and regards, 

Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - Helping Earth Sustainable 
Tel : +82-(0)2-3397-3475
Fax : +82-(0)2-3397-3478

2014. 5. 15., 오후 9:43, Bart van den Eijnden <bartvde at osgis.nl> 작성:

> Hi Sanghee,
> congratulations, the board has just passed a motion to award FOSS4G 2015 to South-Korea. The exact text of the motion was:
> Motion: accept the Korean proposal for foss4g 2015, under the proviso that the budget is revisited and concerns raised are considered.
> Next step is to create a press release. Are you able to draft up a press release (maybe you want to wait until you have a basic website up and running, I’ll defer to you on that) and get it to Cameron and Jeff (CC-ed) for review? TIA.
> Best regards,
> Bart

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