[OSGeo-Conf] liability

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 04:26:04 PDT 2015

Sorry to return to this again:

"OSGeo will take on financial responsibility, including bridge funding and absorbing shortfalls, should attendance fall short of conservative budgeted estimates (to be agreed on early in the planning process)” or similar statements sound fine but they have no precise meaning unless they are underpinned by a contractual relationship between OSGeo and the LOC. In some, if not most, cases the LOC itself has no legal status and so a contract could require individuals to enter into that relationship. This also implies that someone from OSGeo (either a board or a conference committee member) will have some oversight of the conference planning and finances. A professional conference organiser might solve these concerns.

So far it has all worked out fine, the LOCs have delivered and OSGeo has benefited from all or part of the surpluses generated. My hunch, it will go wrong sometime and then there could/will be recriminations. 

I think we need to encourage the creativity of the LOCs without burdening them with too much financial responsibility. If we are going to underwrite FOSS4G events we need to have a  closer relationship with the LOC and some control over the purse strings. There is always risk around events (actually on both sides) but we can manage it better if we have a clearer understanding of risk and responsibility.


> On 24 Jun 2015, at 06:33, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Cameron Shorter
> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The OSGeo Board guaranteed most earlier global foss4g events (with the
>> exception of the failed Beijing event). Luckily all the sponsored events
>> have been profitable.
>> The board addressed this topic or guarantees a few years back, and collated
>> into:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Conferences_and_related_events
>> referenced from: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Handbook#Guarantees
>> Conferences are financially risky events. They need to be planned well in
>> advance, and you are never sure how many people will turn up, or whether
>> some global event will have a substantial impact on registrations.
>> Consequently, conferences such as FOSS4G require financial guarantees up
>> front in order to secure a venue. To support and enable these conferences,
>> OSGeo will endevour to retain sufficient capital to offer such guarantees
>> for any FOSS4G event requesting it. If OSGeo's support is requested, then
>> OSGeo would expect these events to budget for a modest profit under
>> conservative estimates, and for OSGeo to retain profits from such events. To
>> date, such profits, while relatively modest, have been OSGeo's primary
>> income source.
> The 2015 RFP (http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/rfp/2015/osgeo-conference-2015-request-for-proposal.odt)
> said,
> "Support by OSGeo
> Generally speaking it is anticipated that the conference effort will
> be split into a local organizing committee responsible for all work on
> venues, and the OSGeo Conference committee. Traditionally the local
> conference committee did almost all the work, with the international
> steering committee providing external advice, and some support.
> Ultimately the success of the event depends on a strong local
> conference committee that can pull everything together.
> OSGeo will take on financial responsibility, including bridge funding
> and absorbing shortfalls, should attendance fall short of conservative
> budgeted estimates (to be agreed on early in the planning process)."
> To me, the above is abundantly clear.
> As to Conference Committee Policy, it is not policy unless it is voted
> on and passed by the committee, people voicing their opinions doesn't
> make it the Conference Committee Policy.
> Conference Committee: should we pass a motion to the effect:
> --------------------
> "The OSGeo Conference Committee recommends that the OSGeo Board
> affirms the RFP statement for 2015 and subsequent years:
> 'Support by OSGeo
> Generally speaking it is anticipated that the conference effort will
> be split into a local organizing committee responsible for all work on
> venues, and the OSGeo Conference committee. Traditionally the local
> conference committee did almost all the work, with the international
> steering committee providing external advice, and some support.
> Ultimately the success of the event depends on a strong local
> conference committee that can pull everything together.
> OSGeo will take on financial responsibility, including bridge funding
> and absorbing shortfalls, should attendance fall short of conservative
> budgeted estimates (to be agreed on early in the planning process).'
> as well as the previously existing Board Policy,
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors#Conferences_and_related_events
> --------------------
> To me this is somewhat unnecessary and already the case and no one has
> provided actual evidence that this is not already the case.  However,
> if there is confusion, we can pass a motion asking the Board to affirm
> this as correct which should at least end the confusion.
> Best regards, Eli
>> On 19/06/2015 4:46 am, Eli Adam wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org>
>> wrote:
>> If OSGeo is getting the benefits of any proceeds, they need to be assuming
>> the liability as well.
>> I agree with this.  I'd have to reread contracts (or get a lawyer's
>> opinion) but I think most of the liability is already largely on
>> OSGeo.
>> This was the case for Portland, and was part of the contract signed with the
>> VTM Group (the POC) and OSGeo.
>> Agree.
>> The LoC *couldn’t* accept any liability, because the LoC was not a legal
>> entity, and to ask the LoC members to accept personal liability is obviously
>> ridiculous.
>> So far OSGeo’s FOSS4G operating model is essentially this:
>> 1) "Anyone want to run a conference for us?"
>> 2) Choose one of the people who offer to do it and delegate
>> 3) Give them a pile of money
>> 4) Hope for the best
>> 5) Profit(?)
>> If Darrell and I are in the bar, I'm prone to handing him my wallet,
>> saying "here's 40k, see you in a year with 100k", then I slap him on
>> the back and say "good luck!"  His reactions range from a mild glare,
>> a gentle laugh, and occasionally a frothing at the mouth rant.  This
>> model although very stressful for the LOC and chair, generally appears
>> to work.
>> If (5) instead becomes “Lose money” that’s on OSGeo, and that’s as it should
>> be, because if (5) is “Profit” it gets all the rewards, too.
>> But more seriously, yes (5) is/should not be "Profit(?)" but "Profit
>> or loss".  As I said before, I'm not convinced that this is not
>> already the case.  We can certainly clarify this in the RFP which will
>> go out soon for 2017.  Feel free to join in on the RFP process
>> details,
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/conference_dev/2015-May/003012.html
>> Eli
>> If Gaia3d (presumably) is accepting any direct financial or legal liability
>> for FOSS4G 2015 that is a *major* problem in my mind.
>> d.
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>> Cameron Shorter,
>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
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