Ballot: OSGeo Logo Contest Voting

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at
Mon Apr 24 14:56:31 PDT 2006


This email contains both instructions on viewing the logo and  
submitting the ballot. Please read carefully. Voting ends midnight  
(GMT) Saturday, April 29th, 2006.

We are now opening votes for the OSGeo Logo contest. The logo will be  
used to brand the site and creates the community's identity.

We have four very professional logos submitted. We have posted a page  
that contains notes from the submitters and links to the various  
parts of their submissions. There is a lot to look at as they have  
all one well submitting different views and uses of their logo.

Here is the page that lists the entries:

Voting Instructions

The following ballot should be emailed to  logo at before  
midnight (GMT) Saturday, April 29th, 2006. You must supply your OSGeo  
ID and your email address so that we can verify your ID. Only one  
vote is allowed per registered user of Incorrect ballots  
will be discarded.

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Your OSGeo ID:
Your Email address (used to validate ID):

Place an X in the vote column for only one entry.

vote   |  Name of Submitter
            |  Jacob Delfos
            |  Brian Randy Funk
            |  Alain Grignon
            |  Aaron Koning

SEND BALLOT  TO:  logo at

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