[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 31 08:13:37 PDT 2006

On 31-Jul-06, at 2:19 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Bob Basques wrote:
>> I'm more inclined to go with some sort of Web Based Syncing of the
>> data collection.
> Bob,
> Me too, but think that only Web based synced application would  
> limit its
> proliferation. I mean, in many countries, you can not even dream about
> long-time Internet access in field, for example when collecting  
> data in
> forest.
> IMHO combined solution of Web based synchronization and local database
> would be best.

One of the biggest problems I have seen with many modern mobile  
solutions is they tend to be developed for urban applications - many  
of the latest greatest solutions announced at conferences and  
tradeshows are using wifi or cell-based connectivity.  I bet Mateusz  
and I are in the same boat (and David) where we want to do  
applications in remote rural environments.  In our case there aren't  
even roads in some places :)

Bob - I'm not sure you were trying to say we should be using wireless  
web to sync - could you clarify?


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