[OSGeo-Discuss] Supporting new projects

Rushforth, Peter prushfor at NRCan.gc.ca
Mon Oct 1 11:36:45 PDT 2007

Hi Paul,

Good discussion.

> Returning to my original point, then, should OSGeo provide 
> support for getting new projects off the ground?

I think it entirely fair that a project gather a little momentum 
and prove itself a "good idea" based on a number of people
voting with their feet, so to speak, and getting the project
going.  OSGEO has developed a brand and it should be incumbent
on prospective incubees to get a start.

That is what I am planning to do with GeoFunctions ;-).

There appear to be lots of places on the web where a project
can get infrastructure, at the price of a few advertisements in
your face.  OSGEO should be a place where one can find quality
implementations of GIS-domain software and libraries that 
enhance its brand, and the incubation threshold seems appropriate.

Peter Rushforth
Technology Advisor / Conseiller technique
GeoConnections / GĂ©oConnexions
650-615 Booth St. / rue Booth
Ottawa ON K1A 0E9
E-mail / Courriel: Peter.Rushforth at NRCan.gc.ca 
Phone / TĂ©lephone: (613) 943-0784 
Fax / telecopier:  (613) 947-2410

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