[OSGeo-Discuss] End of life for Community Mapbuilder

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 20:31:23 PDT 2008

Thanks to everyone for their kind words.

In specific answer to some of Frank's questions:
* Yes, feel free to forward on this announcement through whatever 
channels you wish.

* Yes, we should:
1. Through the incubation committee set up a process for retiring projects.
2. Hide mapbuilder references from all the key public facing web pages.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>   End of life for Community Mapbuilder
>> We, the Mapbuilder Project Steering Committee, have agreed that the 
>> time has come for the Community Mapbuilder 
>> <http://communitymapbuilder.org/> project to gracefully retire. We 
>> will release a final, stable 1.5 version of the software, and 
>> afterwards there are no planned enhancements to Mapbuilder. The web 
>> pages and code will be kept alive, a few bugs might be fixed and we 
>> will likely continue answering user queries, but we expect Mapbuilder 
>> will gradually fade away into history.
> Cameron,
> I think this is an excellent and professional approach - given a clear 
> heads
> up to the community on the status of things.  In fact, I've been just 
> thrilled
> by the degree of cooperation achieved between several of the web 
> mapping client
> side projects in recent years.  The experience and efforts focused on
> improvement and exploitation of OpenLayers by those involved in 
> Mapbuilder,
> ka-map and other projects has helped turn OpenLayers into what I would 
> argue
> is the "best of breed" role it plays now.
> As far as OSGeo process, I agree that we (perhaps within the incubation
> committee?) need to work out an end-of-life/retired status for projects.
> There is no problem continuing to host project resources of course, 
> but at
> some point we would want to release the project from "live status" 
> reporting
> and governance requirements and to remove it from the front page so 
> not too
> many new users are guided to it as a promoted project.
> If there is no objection, I'll distribute the eol announcement via the
> OSGeo announce mechanism.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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