[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member nominees -- where are you?

Dimitris Kotzinos kotzino at csd.uoc.gr
Sat Nov 26 01:56:38 PST 2011

Dear all, Michael,

there are some things that for me do not sound well placed in the 
nomination process, one of them is the request of the nominees to 
present themselves in a greater audience.
Although I understand the request (and I find it perfectly normal and 
logical because otherwise how would someone vote for one person never 
heard of), I think that the idea is that someone is nominated because of 
actions and contributions to the community - so the community should 
know and moreover the charter members should follow more closely the 
overall activities. Additionally I feel that people who nominate others 
should be responsible to detail their contributions along with the 
nomination. Since this is not a usual voting process (where I submit a 
candidacy) I think it is not proper to nominate someone and then ask 
him/her to "expose" him/herself.
Again not that there is something wrong with the request.

This brings me to a last point: maybe, as the organization expands, this 
process needs a careful reconsideration towards enforcing either a more 
open process (e.g. having all members to vote and the ability to become 
candidates and not nominees) or a more strict process where nominations 
should be followed be detailed CVs, etc. and possibly having specific 
criteria to be met. Local chapters could also play a role in this.

I acknowledge the fact that this can be a rather tedious and difficult 
discussion but since I had the opportunity starting from Michael's 
e-mail I thought to bring this up.

Apologies for the lengthy e-mail,

Best regards,

Dimitris Kotzinos

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