[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source usage in European Public Sector

Vincent Picavet vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Mon Sep 16 05:27:22 PDT 2013

It's the case in France, and we have a global directive signed by the prime 
ministre stating that opensource software should be used when available :
http://circulaire.legifrance.gouv.fr/pdf/2012/09/cir_35837.pdf (in french)
Most INSPIRE compliant public sites run on opensource software stacks in 

Le dimanche 15 septembre 2013 11:06:44, Steven Feldman a écrit :
> I am looking for some help with a few key statistics to use in my opening
> presentation at FOSS4G
> Does any one have some info on
> the number of EU countries that have IT procurement policies which
> encourage or mandate the use of open source? which countries have based
> their INSPIRE activities on open source geo (I suspect most but would like
> confirmation)
> Thanks for any help you can give me
> See you in Mappingham tomorrow
> ______
> Steven

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