[OSGeo-Discuss] Sad News, Doug Nebert

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Jun 4 10:45:14 PDT 2014

Dear OSGeo community,

This past weekend the geospatial community lost a family member, Doug
Nebert died in a plane crash in Oregon.  Our support and love goes out
to Doug's family and friends with this news.

Doug was a passionate person who dedicated much of his time and energy
to interoperability and standards over several decades.  Many OGC
specifications were created with the help of his efforts.

The OSGeo community is so thankful for all of Doug's efforts.  His
legacy will live on through our shared beliefs and standards.

Our thoughts and prayers to his family.  For those wishing to send their
prayers to Doug's family, see the touching letter from Mark Reichard,
OGC President. http://www.opengeospatial.org/blog/2038

Jeff McKenna
President, OSGeo

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