[OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed OSGeo Vision

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 12:17:29 PST 2015

I would like to chase up your idea of an "independent process facilitator"
- do we know anyone suitable for the task?

Jody Garnett

On 17 November 2015 at 01:47, Gert-Jan van der Weijden <gert-jan at osgeo.nl>

> Suchith, Cameron, Board Members and everybody else,
> Jeff's -I assume personal- vision and Cameron's refinement are a good
> starting point indeed.
> We already have more ingredients to refine our mission, goals en ways to
> achieve them:
> - A discussion started by Darrell Fuhriman (under the intriguing title
> "OSGeo is becoming irrelevant. Here's why. Let's fix it)
> - And a thread 2 month earlier (started by Michael Gerlek) "We won. It's
> time for OSGeo 2.0".
> - And probably much more,
> Our board has a face2face meeting in January 2016 (althought the wiki
> mentions "2015") [3] (in a cold, wet -but thanks to Jeroen Ticheler
> welcoming- Holland).
> I hope we can glue these meetings, discussions and insights together.
> Therefore I suggest that the board f2f meeting is not an event on it's
> own, but one step in a proces where we can redefine our values, rewrite our
> goals and re-order our priorities.
> Some ideas & suggestions:
> - Handle it topic by topic. Therefore: define the topics first (partly
> done, as in Jeff's vision for OSGeo, here below.
> - For the board f2f: consider to invite an independant process facilitator
> - FOSS4G-2016 might be the right time and (I think inspiring!) place to
> finish that proces (with a "strategy-codesprint", for instance).
> - And finally: such an "OSGeo. 2.0 proces" fits nicely in our 10th
> anniversary (OSGeo is founded in 2006)!
> Regards,
> Gert-Jan
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-September/014912.html
> [2] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-July/014521.html
> [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Face_to_Face_Meeting_2015
> Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> schreef:
> Thank you Jeff for your dedication and efforts for OSGeo and taking time
>> to put together your ideas for the proposed OSGeo vision and thanks to
>> Cameron for excellent comments/suggestions to help refine this.
>> This proposed OSGeo vision ideas are a good start to discuss and
>> brainstorm ideas of how we can expand OSGeo for the future. I suggest that
>> this should be something the OSGeo Board should also look into and input.
>> Best wishes,
>> Suchith
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Discuss [discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Cameron
>> Shorter [cameron.shorter at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 11:20 AM
>> To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed OSGeo Vision
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I've renamed this email thread to "Proposed OSGeo Vision", and have
>> selected out your text specifically related the Vision.
>> I'm re-reading the text more slowly on my second pass.
>> Firstly, I think you have done a great first pass. Please consider my
>> comments as suggested refinements.
>> In general:
>> I question the emphasis on face-to-face meetings over email.
>> I agree that face-to-face meetings can be very effective and empowering
>> for the people within the room, however it comes at a cost.
>> 1. Only the people in the room are empowered. This lends itself well to
>> a hierarchical command-and-control power structure. Decisions are made
>> by the powerful, while the masses are disenfranchised.
>> 2. For a global organisation, it is expensive to fly everyone into one
>> location.
>> 3. For a low-capital organisation (like OSGeo), it is difficult to
>> justify travel expenses over many other valuable low cost and effective
>> options.
>> 4. Decentralised communication is very effective at attracting large and
>> active communities.
>> Open Source communities thrive on leaderless organisation, email lists,
>> IRC channels, and other cheap communication channels. (I blogged on this
>> decades ago when the internet was just starting to become main stream
>> [1]).
>> [1]
>> http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com.au/2000/10/understanding-and-motivating-activists.html
>> On 16/11/2015 6:13 am, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> Vision For OSGeo
>>> ================
>>> (I should first state that I have called a face to face meeting with
>>> the OSGeo Board members to work together on topics such as vision and
>>> the goals of OSGeo, and how to achieve those goals, and that meeting
>>> will be in January, attended by all members of this new OSGeo board)
>> <suggest trim above comment from final text>
>>> "My vision is for OSGeo to be the Open Source geospatial community all
>>> across the globe, everywhere and anywhere, and have fun doing it.  The
>>> OSGeo community is special, we are unique, we do great things for the
>>> world, we are open, and we have fun.  We accept anyone into our
>>> community and will give them the spotlight, to help their local
>>> community and the world share its spatial information.  We are OSGeo."
>> <In the final version, I suggest removing all "personal" terms to
>> "group" terms. Ie, it should not be "MY vision" any more, but rather
>> "The OSGeo Vision">
>> <Some word tweaking required here. I'm not sure we "accept anyone". We
>> encourage ideas from everyone, we encourage supportive communities, ...
>> We don't accept discrimination, or people who promote discrimination.>
>>> Many have seen me speak about "community" all around the world since
>>> about 2008, and it is OSGeo's community that is so valued. This vision
>>> puts our community in that spotlight, and is something that I already
>>> know that we all follow in our hearts.  It is the OSGeo spirit that
>>> drives us all, that some may not understand, but we can teach them and
>>> help them share their geospatial information openly, and, show them
>>> how fun it is.
>> <I'd suggest above sentence can be removed from an OSGeo vision. (There
>> are 2 messages through this text: 1. OSGeo's Vision. 2. Jeff's
>> commentary. The OSGeo Vision should be separate text without the
>> commentary.>
>>> How to get there
>>> ================
>>> Focus on Developing Regions
>>> ---------------------------
>>> Over the next 5 or 10 years, various developing regions ("developing"
>>> in the sense of in-progress of becoming world leaders in open) across
>>> the globe, not known globally for their OSGeo chapters yet, will be
>>> given the OSGeo spotlight.  These are important regions of the world,
>>> extremely active locally but not as well known globally for their
>>> efforts in Open Source geospatial.  Some possible examples are South
>>> America, South Asia, Russia, China, Middle East, North Africa, and
>>> India.  OSGeo will help give them the world stage for Open Source
>>> geospatial.
>> I suggest avoiding time based terms (next 5 to 10 years) for a vision
>> statement. A vision statement might be getting read in 5 years time, and
>> unless you know when the statement was written, you don't have a
>> framework for knowing if the timeframe is still valid.
>> I suggest for a vision statement, stay generic and don't specifically
>> name regions to focus on. State instead that OSGeo aims to give multiple
>> regions, including developing regions the opportunity of an
>> international spotlight.
>> How do you plan to give regions a spotlight? This should be explained at
>> least in general terms. Will OSGeo be encouraging FOSS4G to be held in
>> developing regions? This should have some practical ideas which can be
>> implemented and questioned to see if it is technically achievable.
>>> Local Chapters
>>> --------------
>>> All of the fun happens locally, it is through local chapters that
>>> OSGeo can grow Open Source geospatial software, learn, share, and have
>>> fun. We currently have about 30 official chapters, and about 30 in
>>> formation, but we have so much more work to do to help chapters grow
>>> in other communities.  Let's help them! :)
>> Suggest revisit "All of the fun happens locally". "Fun" can happen
>> anywhere.
>> Who is going to help the local chapters?
>> With what resources?
>> How do the local chapters need help?
>> Note that OSGeo is volunteer driven, and is not in a position to direct
>> workers.
>> The board can allocate money from a limited budget toward activities,
>> but that is not much, and it is limited.
>>> Projects
>>> --------
>>> OSGeo projects and those in incubation are very stable and have
>>> vibrant communities.  OSGeo must help these projects grow, and also
>>> help incoming projects find a home in our community.  We must be
>>> accepting to changing trends and styles in the global industry.
>> Suggest change "must" to "aim to".
>> "must" implies you have control over a workforce, when the best you have
>> is the ability to inspire volunteers.
>>> Charter Members
>>> ---------------
>>> OSGeo charter members will drive the formation of the Open Source
>>> geospatial community.
>> The OSGeo Community is already formed.
>> Maybe mention "From time to time, charter members will be INVITED to
>> take a more active role in OSGeo decision making, by being polled on key
>> strategic decisions, as identified by the board.
>>> Diversity
>>> ---------
>>> OSGeo must from now on have 50% women on its Board of Directors. This
>>> year's board has the first women ever on its board, but for 2016/2017
>>> and beyond, women will again be strongly represented at the board
>>> level of the OSGeo foundation.  This will help provide strong
>>> leadership from OSGeo throughout the world.
>> Again, suggest avoid word "must". Suggest aim for "diversity in
>> background and gender in board of directors". It is good to have equal
>> representation from women, but I think it more important to have the
>> best people for the job, regardless of gender. If there are more men
>> than women involved in OSGeo, statistics would suggest that there should
>> be more men on the board too.
>>> Education and Training
>>> ----------------------
>>> OSGeo will continue to spread Open Source geospatial to students and
>>> educators around the world, through the GeoForAll initiative. Focus
>>> will also change from post-secondary institutions to
>>> secondary/high-school, getting the young minds excited and interested
>>> in sharing and being open.
>> OSGeo can encourage Education initiatives, but again, we don't have
>> resources to allocate.
>>> Professional Service Providers
>>> ------------------------------
>>> OSGeo will begin to focus on its service providers, and give them the
>>> spotlight they deserve, for choosing to operate their business around
>>> OSGeo projects.  Focus will not only be placed on the larger
>>> businesses, but for the first time ever, small businesses will be
>>> given the spotlight from OSGeo.
>> OSGeo has been promoting OSGeo Service providers (big and small) for
>> years through this (dated) search:
>> http://www.osgeo.org/search_profile
>> How else do you propose that Service Providers are promoted?
>> Do Service Providers need to pay for such promotion?
>>> (in my travels, I estimate that 90% of OSGeo's service providers have
>>> <10 employees, yet we are not giving these businesses any spotlight)
>> <trim commentary from final version>
>>> FOSS4G
>>> ------
>>> OSGeo's hugely successful yearly event, the global FOSS4G, will
>>> continue to travel around the world each year.  The goal of OSGeo's
>>> global FOSS4G event over the next 5 to 10 years will be to expand to
>>> new areas, plant the OSGeo seed locally, learn, share, and have fun.
>>> The goal will be to share this passion as much as possible, by having
>>> low-cost FOSS4G events.  Regional FOSS4G events will satisfy local
>>> needs, in however the local chapters desire.
>> I suggest invite the conference committee to contribute to this section.
>> I'd like to see collective knowledge from conferences passed between
>> events more effectively.
>> I think building up the FOSS4G Handbook would help achieve that:
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Handbook
>> I think this section should be revisited after conversations with
>> LocationTech
>>> Code Sprints
>>> ------------
>>> OSGeo will actively promote its ability to support all code sprints of
>>> any size, no matter if there is only one project being enhanced.
>> I suggest that this statement should not be quite as Open Ended. As it
>> stands, this could be interpreted to mean that any code sprint will be
>> funded by OSGeo. There are limits to OSGeo's budget, and this should be
>> acknowledged in the words we select.
>>> Working with other organizations
>>> --------------------------------
>>> Working closely with other organizations will continue to be important
>>> for OSGeo.  MoUs with organizations encourage communication, and
>>> usually have the 2 leaders of the parties sit down face to face once a
>>> year and talk (which is really priceless in the long-term for the
>>> commmunity) and review the agreement. Admittedly these agreements are
>>> not liked by the business-types, for not offering any firm details up
>>> front (like financial benefits), but in the long term these agreements
>>> help change opinions, give momentum to both parties, and end up
>>> creating jobs in the industry.
>> I think we can find better words here.
>> "OSGeo will continue to work with external organisations which share
>> common goals with OSGeo.
>> This will typically start with the collaborative development of a MoU
>> which highlights areas where collaboration will be mutually beneficial,
>> and the nature of such collaboration."
>>> Standards
>>> ---------
>>> Standards in geospatial software and data will continue to be one of
>>> the core parts of every OSGeo project.
>>> Financial Focus
>>> ---------------
>>> OSGeo has never been about generating revenue.  OSGeo is and will be
>>> about being the Open Source geospatial community, sharing, learning,
>>> and having fun.  OSGeo will continue to be lean, earning enough
>>> funding to help its annual FOSS4G and other events, maintain OSGeo's
>>> infrastructure, and other critical needs.  The OSGeo foundation will
>>> continue to be volunteer driven.
>>> Discussion
>>> ==========
>>> In terms of what I would do to foster working with LocationTech, I
>>> would work with Andrea directly to develop an MoU agreement draft, and
>>> then take that draft to each of our Boards.  To formalize this
>>> agreement, I would call for a "Summit" to be held around March of this
>>> year between the LocationTech Steering Committee members, and the
>>> OSGeo Board of Directors.  This would be a one day meeting, in person,
>>> and not related to any other existing event (not added to an existing
>>> program/event). This would allow the OSGeo Board to meet in January,
>>> establish their goals, and then to sit down prepared with LocationTech
>>> Steering Committee in March.
>>> I do feel that the LocationTech/OSGeo relationship needs to be
>>> examined slowly, and this is why I made a stand here this/last week.
>>> I apologize to Andrea if I have offended her, or disrespected her in
>>> any way.
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter,
>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
>> LISAsoft
>> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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> Gert-Jan van der Weijden
> Voorzitter Stichting OSGeo.nl
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