[OSGeo-Discuss] Announcing important dates of FOSS4G Seoul conference.

Sanghee Shin shshin at gaia3d.com
Thu Feb 5 04:31:50 PST 2015

Dear all, 

I’m very glad to announce the important dates of FOSS4G Seoul conference here now. Please take a look at the important dates of the event below and be prepared. Please be aware that these dates are subject to change. 

- Send Call for Papers/Presentations/Workshops, 23rd February
- Close Call for Workshops, 23rd March
- Early Bird Sponsorship Deadline, 31st March 
- Decide and Broadcast Workshop Selection, 31st March 
- Workshop Schedule Release, 9th April
- Early Bird Registration Opens, 9th April
- Academic Abstract Submission Deadline, 24th April 
- Regular Track Presentation Deadline, 24th April 
- Begin Community Voting on Presentations, 4th May
- Academic Track Review Decisions, 15th May
- Close Community Voting on Presentations,15th May
- Preliminary Program Decisions Made & Posted, 4th June 
- Early Bird Registration Discount Ends, 22nd June 
- Conference Begins, 14th September 

And I’m very excited to see the progress of FOSS4G Seoul we’ve made so far. In terms of sponsorship, we’ve got 14 sponsorships from all around the world. Please pay a visit to our sponsorship page to see who sponsors FOSS4G Seoul conference. http://2015.foss4g.org/sponsorship/sponsors/ 

I can’t wait to see all of you in Seoul. 

Thanks and kindly regards, 

Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul 
"Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015
email: foss4gchair at osgeo.org

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