[OSGeo-Discuss] Where do YOU want to go for FOSS4G NA 2016

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Jul 14 04:19:53 PDT 2015

Hi Andrew,

For the vote to be really meaningful and it would help if someone could 
write a few words about the pros and cons of each option, including 
venue type, accommodation costs (price range), transportation options, 
potential dates and whatever makes each option outstanding.

Short of that, someone like me who is not familiar with both cities will 
either end up having to do a good amount of research, or resort to 
flipping a coin.

My 0.02$


On 2015-07-13 3:18 PM, Andrew Ross wrote:
> Dear Everyone,
> You may recall we recently designed and implemented a new governance
> model for FOSS4G NA
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WlgmJgtl0LaV0EO0NtDDSnloTgsIvxu9KwddPDwX1WU/edit>.
> Thank you once again to the large team of people who participated in that.
> Over the past weeks, we bootstrapped the model for FOSS4G NA 2016. We
> have created a RFP for venues to host the conference and received a
> great response. With much effort we were able to find two especially
> great options for the conference. They are the DoubleTree in downtown
> *Philadelphia*, and the convention center in downtown *Raleigh*.
> We'd like to ask you where you'd like to go. Please take a moment to
> complete this short survey here:
> http://bitly.com/F4GNA2016
> Thank you!
> Andrew
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Daniel Morissette
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