[OSGeo-Discuss] GIS accessibility for visually impaired students

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 06:21:06 PDT 2019

for what I know about qgis (but I didn't dig into the matter) it is
possible to adapt color theme for daltonics... no idea if there are other
facilities for completely blind or with different conditions.

en example post:

Luigi Pirelli

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On Tue, 3 Sep 2019 at 22:53, Jochen Albrecht <jochen.albrecht at gmail.com>

> The specifics in this posting pertain to the legal environment in the
> United States but I am confident that the question arises in a European or
> Austral-Asian context as well.
> As we are increasingly relying of software in general and web-based
> software in particular, we are obliged to accommodate students with visual
> impairments
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.section508.gov_manage_laws-2Dand-2Dpolicies&d=DwMFaQ&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=MPxyTrVtgE0ezokIPTXSHCG53Se6Rp2VL-JLxEJUS7VI6sUiFd92dWSMHDhcSZ8W&m=rVAHApb8p60PLcMtwSPBms4-IwPCWsfRQ2yB8U2sd1g&s=IU63yqVi9SWU6N7K7osCArit2ZBWk2d6aW9xNtq_RXk&e=>.
> In the US, the vehicle to addressing this issue is a so-called Voluntary
> Product Accessibility Template (VPAT
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.section508.gov_sell_vpat&d=DwMFaQ&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=MPxyTrVtgE0ezokIPTXSHCG53Se6Rp2VL-JLxEJUS7VI6sUiFd92dWSMHDhcSZ8W&m=rVAHApb8p60PLcMtwSPBms4-IwPCWsfRQ2yB8U2sd1g&s=H8_WCvZnKYro3wxynVL9AHJUf72VcCNplRWz-7jF4iw&e=>)
> for the software that we use regularly in our teaching. I found some
> minimal (not satisfying) language on the ESRI web site but struggle to find
> anything for OSGeo software.
> Any suggestions, advice, or comments will be welcomed.
> Cheers,
>      Jochen
> Dr. Jochen Albrecht, GISP
> Professor for Computational and Theoretical Geography
> Department of Geography and Environmental Science
> Hunter College, City University of New York
> 695 Park Avenue - HN 1030
> New York, NY 10065
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