[OSGeo-Discuss] Is OSGeo presence on ${one-letter-asocial-media} still desirable?

Karsten Vennemann karsten at terragis.net
Wed Jan 22 10:31:59 PST 2025

Sorry if I repeat myself but the post was in parallel to mine and 
Lauentiu might not have read mine due to that. As a German citizen I can 
not let this go unanswered >>> From *Laurențiu Nicola* >>> First, was 
that a Nazi salute? Only Musk would know for sure, but the gesture is 
centuries-old (at least, I suspect more) >>> and the context doesn't 
feel quite right. For what it's worth, many Jews and Jewish associations 
weren't bothered by it, >>> and I'm inclined to trust them on that. He 
should apologize, but given his personality, that's not going to happen. 
 >>> I hope the tendency in our society to make foolish excuses for 
obvious actions will stop altogether. What really does not matter is 
whether the person /meant/ it to be a Nazi salute—the important thing is 
that it /obviously/ was one.

As someone else posted in this thread, this is exactly the kind of 
problem described here: Paradoxoftolerance 

There is no excuse for him not to apologize, no matter what. And if you 
haven’t heard any Jewish voices complaining, let me, as a German, object 
with all I have. This is gut-wrenching.  Let me just say this much—many 
in my family died because of the Nazis.

The body language while speaking is 100% unmistakable. It’s the Roman 
greeting, which later became the Mussolini and Nazi salute, and he did 
it twice on the world stage.

To be clear and to summarize: It wasn’t something "like" a Nazi 
salute—no, it was /exactly/ that, done twice, and on the world stage!

Actions must lead to consequences. There is zero doubt about what he did 
and about what he intentionally displayed on the world stage. The guy is 
not some idiot who does not know what he does. This was no harmless fun 
talk between friends in a local bar. There can be absolutely no foolish 
excuses. There must be no tolerance for this. Neo-Nazis have already 
celebrated what happened!

 >>> So to sum up: >>> - I'm not convinced that was a Nazi salute, but I 
don't think it matters too much, I could not disagree more. This 
essentially is all that matters. Let me add this sarcastic quote from 
someone on Youtube: "Just because he retweets Nazis and endorses the 
modern Nazi party of Germany and embraces Nazi ideology and makes the 
Nazi salute doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi. It’s probably just an unfortunate 
coincidence." >>> - I think we should be posting on the X account, but 
if we don't, we should remove the link >>> - we have to add a Mastodon 
link >>> - if we feel that using X means endorsing Musk and Trump, we 
shouldn't post there >>> - I've seen so many "worse than Musk" people on 
the other social networks that I can't endorse them in good faith either 
 >>> Laurentiu

Best Karsten

On 1/21/2025 23:24, Karsten Vennemann wrote:
> I do agree in general that there should be a transparent decision 
> process yes
> On 1/21/2025 18:38, Gabriel Roldan via Discuss wrote:
>> “My heart goes out to you” doesn’t seem Nazi at all to me. Although 
>> maybe little Adolf might have said that sometime, I don’t know 
>> really. I do hope though if you sometime see me trying to stop a taxi 
>> or calling a friend’s attention from a distance you won’t make the 
>> same assumption about my political preferen
> Dear Gabriel, I do not know what nationality you are, mine is German 
> and as such (with the dark history of my country in regards to the 
> Nazis which undoubtedly distinctly influences everyone's upbringing 
> and education there) I am extremely sensitive with this subject. Let 
> me just say this much - many in my family died due to the Nazis...
> Thus, while what the person said does not qualify as anything 
> objectionable, the body language while speaking is 100% unmistakable. 
> It’s the Roman greeting, which later became the Mussolini and Nazi 
> salute, and he did it twice on the world stage. To be clear and 
> summarize: It was not something "like" a Nazi salute, no - it was 
> exactly that, twice, and on the world stage!
> Actions must lead to consequences. There is zero doubt about what he 
> did and about what he intentionally displayed on the world stage. The 
> guy is not some idiot who does not know what he does. This was no 
> harmless fun talk between friends in a local bar. There can be 
> absolutely no foolish excuses. There must be no tolerance for this. 
> Neo-Nazis have already celebrated what happened!
> In Germany, you would be prosecuted and could go to jail for such 
> actions—and rightfully so. As Germans, we learned the hard way (at 
> least my ancestors did) when we lost our country. My German history 
> teachers in school taught me, /“You cannot debate with a Nazi.”/ At 
> that point, it is already too late.
> Such things must be stopped at the very beginning, before it is too 
> late. This cannot be tolerated. Full stop.
> I fully support a decision to remove anything related to the person in 
> question or companies he is involved with from being associated with 
> any OSGeo content everywhere. I also support that the process of such 
> a decision being transparent and orderly, though.
> Best regards
> Karsten Vennemann
>> El El mar, 21 ene 2025 a la(s) 6:59 p. m., Even Rouault via Discuss 
>> <discuss at lists.osgeo.org> escribió:
>>     Le 21/01/2025 à 22:24, Jody Garnett a écrit :
>>     > Yeah updating the website socials has a plan drawn up, but need
>>     > volunteers or budget.
>>     Jody, we are not going to find excuses by saying that removing
>>     the bird
>>     icon from www.osgeo.org <http://www.osgeo.org> in WP requires a
>>     budget, right...  I'm currently
>>     logged in in wordpress trying to find where it is. I probably
>>     don't have
>>     the appropriate rights to do so, but I'd assume this should be a 30
>>     second task for someone slightly knowledgeable...
>>     Even
>>     -- 
>>     http://www.spatialys.com
>>     My software is free, but my time generally not.
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> -- 
> Karsten Vennemann
> *Terra GIS LTD *
> 2119 Boyer Ave E
> Seattle, WA 98112
> Tel ++1 206 905 1711
> _www.terragis.net <http://www.terragis.net/>_

Karsten Vennemann

*Terra GIS LTD *
2119 Boyer Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
Tel ++1 206 905 1711
_www.terragis.net <http://www.terragis.net/>_

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