[OSGeo-Edu] Continuing our collaborative efforts; Reflections on IRC meeting

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Wed Aug 11 07:05:18 EDT 2010

Ned Horning wrote:
> Charlie and others,
> I'm willing to take a shot at coordinating the content inventory. If 
> someone else wants to take the lead that's fine but in either case I'm 
> willing to help.
I missed this post. Great Ned, thanks! I've put you down as the 
coordinator on our group's To Do list wiki page [1]. If anyone else 
wants to take on a leadership role with our group there are 
opportunities on that list. This is service to the discipline which you 
could put down on your CV....

For example, do we want to try and develop, collaboratively, the 
Handbook's Venka suggested in the IRC (Desktop and Web OS GIS)? Linking 
back to the discussion on Templates, this seems the best place to start 
that effort too.

Finally, before we completely lose the discussion we were having on 
licensing content and new derivatives, does anyone  want to take the 
lead to review the guidance that we have on the wiki at [2] and possibly 
update it based on those conversations?


[1} http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_goals_and_to_dos
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Appropriately_Licensed_Material
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