[OSGeo-Edu] COST action

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 07:45:18 EDT 2011


Here's some information about COST actions.

Only collaboration (includes student exchange) is funded. An action 
typically lasts 4 years and gets 400 kEUR.

At least 5 European countries are needed, non-European countries are ok, 
perhaps they are plus.

COST actions are popular, thus highly competitive and typically only < 
1/10 proposals gets funded.

The initial proposal (due well before March 30) needs to be 3 pages and 
brilliantly written.

If funded, the action could start in spring 2013. An action is an open 
and country points of contact will look for eligible participants. My 
own eligibility is dubious since my current contract with my university 
ends 2014.

The proposal needs a right scope and domain. Domain could be "Earth 
System Science and Environmental Management" (I could find one GIS 
related action) or "Information and Communication Technologies" (I could 
not find any actions directly related to FOSS - which may tell something 
or not). The proposal needs a main objective. The objective could be for 
example "enhance academic relevance/use/usability of existing free and 
open source geospatial (FOSS4G) software and develop methods and 
workflows for increasing the impact and exploitation of FOSS4G emerging 
from academia". That could perhaps have the right span.

The action needs subobjectives, scientific content (as tasks), and a 
timetable. These need to link to activities and research that are 
carried out with other funds.

I have expressions of interest from 3-4 parties plus me. I assume we 
could get 3-4 more. Then we have good contacts to academia in U.S., 
OSGeo foundation, and FOSS4G companies. If we decide to submit, the 
European partners need to contact their national COST points of contact.

I'd say it's worth a try. But I also say that due to the shortness of my 
current contract I may not be the best person to be the key named person.

Best regards,


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