[El] gdal-1.7.3-3_0 in elgis-testing: gdal-java installing
Viji V Nair
viji at fedoraproject.org
Wed Dec 15 07:43:15 EST 2010
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote:
>> Can you please put some more lights on why do you want to have both
>> i386 and x86_64 bit packages on the same machine?
> The default approach on CentOS (and upstream, see
> http://bit.ly/hzLWPF) is to install both the i386 and x86_64 packages
> (it is not systematic though, and as far as I could observe, libraries
> are often provided for the two arch while higher-level apps not
> necessarily).
> EPEL typically provides gdal v1.4.2 for both arch.
> So, in general I tried to keep the same approach than EPEL in ELGIS
> (to facilitate merging of the efforts), especially when "upgrading"
> some of their packages.
> Almost all the packages in the x86_64 ELGIS repos are provided for
> both arch (we simply copy the i386 packages from the i386 directories
> to the x86_64 directories when releasing).
> Except:
> elgis: grass*, postgis* (and now, temporarily gdal*)
> elgis-plus: qgis*
> because I encountered some conflicts and did not bother since they
> were relatively high-level apps (this could be discussed for postgis,
> but nobody ever complained).
> The problem with GDAL, is that now that elgis x86_64 does not provide
> gdal.i386 anymore you have the gdal.i386 v1.4.2 from EPEL which pops
> up.
> So we need to do something.
> Moreover, I wonder why we have python stuff in the gdal package.
> Shouldn't it be in the gdal-python package?
> As for my personal case, I only install the x86_64 binaries in
> general, and I know how to fiddle with repo files.
> So, this is a general issue, that I'm afraid may cause problems to
> end-users. I think we should find a solution before it moves to
> stable...
ya, let me think how we can solve this effectively...will update by tomorrow.
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