[es_norte] QgisUserConf 2019: Gratis o no Gratis + Budget
Luigi Pirelli
luipir en gmail.com
Dom Dic 2 05:10:35 PST 2018
desde la tesoreria de QGIS:
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From: Andreas Neumann <andreas en qgis.org>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2018 at 13:43
Subject: Re: Budget for UserConf y Hackmeeting
To: Luigi Pirelli <luipir en gmail.com>
Cc: Lene Fischer <lfi en ign.ku.dk>
Hi Luigi,
As to your other question: yes - I plan to attend the A Coruna meeting (not
100% sure, but very likely).
The budget of every dev meeting varied a bit. On of the more expensive
meetings was the Zanzibar meeting, because of the high travel costs, even
if we had fewer people than usual.
If you plan workshops, a rule of thumbs should be that workshop attendees
should pay for the attendance of the workshop and that money should go to
cover the costs of trainers. Lene handled it in a similar way.
Also conference attendees (the ones that aren't contributors or presenters)
would pay a small fee and that money should be used to cover other costs of
the meeting.
QGIS.ORG <http://qgis.org/> usually helps to cover costs of the social
events (e.g. conference dinner, dinners during dev meeting) and it helps to
cover additional travel costs, esp. costs that isn't covered by
Lene did a great job to get local sponsors. Maybe you could do the same?
Another source of income could be the local authorities. Either
financially, or by giving away a venue for free or cheap. After all, they
get a nice version of QGIS named "A Coruña" - this should be worth
something to the locals ;-) don't you think?
Coming back to your original question:
Here are the costs of the previous meetings (the parts that QGIS.ORG
<http://qgis.org/> covered) - typically there were other local sponsors, or
participants who did not charge for their travel costs.
- 2018 Zanzibar: 11'012.11
- 2018 Funchal: 4'061.12
- 2017 Nodebo: 4'109.41
- 2017 Essen: 4'966.26
- 2016 Bonn: 3'298.68
- 2016 Girona: 4'536.36
- 2015 Gran Canaria: 4'012.93
- 2015 Nodebo: 6'872.59
- 2014 Essen: 10'990.09
Note that the above amounts are not the full costs of the meeting, usually
you can double the cost and the other half was paid by local sponsors (in
general, but not always). F.e. in Nodebo and Funchal, the locals paid most
local expenses, while QGIS.ORG <http://qgis.org/> paid flight and partially
My proposal is: just do your local budget and don't worry about travel
costs of participants of the dev meeting - but charge a fee for the
attendance of locals - both for attending the conference, but also
additionally for workshops. That should help to cover a lot of your local
costs and partially help with covering travel costs of workshop trainers.
QGIS.ORG <http://qgis.org/> - as usual - would cover dinner costs and cover
travel costs of contributors who actively work at the meeting.
Luigi Pirelli
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
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* Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
* Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg
On Sun, 2 Dec 2018 at 14:06, Luigi Pirelli <luipir en gmail.com> wrote:
> las charlas normales se pagan?
> estoy de acuerdo sobre l pagar... si no fuera que nos crea bastante lio
> sobre
> 1) rebder la burocracia del sitio (la Agora) mas liosa...
> 2) la financiación del ayuntamento se iria en esto... a pensar che por 50€
> entraria 10.000€
> 3) tendriamos que tener una plataforma para el pago... como hiciste para
> la geocamp?
> no se... a mi gustaria que fuera gratuito pero encontrar un mecaniscmo que
> vincule la participación... no se como
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018 at 13:36, CARMEN DIEZ <carmen10maica en gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hola,
>> en la Geocamp en camisetas, chapas, pegatinas, libros, regalos, etc, nos
>> gastamos unos 1.000€ para 70 asistentes. Aunque algunos de los sponsor que
>> vinieron trajeron también regalos propios.
>> Sigo insistiendo en que la manera de que la gente se comprometa con la
>> asistencia es pagar entrada, aunque sean 40 o 50 euros, y planteando
>> descuentos a voluntarios que ayuden o personas que no trabajen... De otra
>> forma siempre hay un riesgo salvo que persigas a los inscritos para que
>> confirmen los últimos días.
>> ¿No hay presupuesto para las charlas normales que no son keynotes?
>> El dom., 2 dic. 2018 a las 11:49, Luigi Pirelli (<luipir en gmail.com>)
>> escribió:
>>> Hola
>>> URGENTE: Lunes por la mañana o tarde lanzamos la pagina web y tenmos que
>>> saber si y cuanto van a cobrar para los talleres => necesita decision!
>>> Ayer con Fran Sampaio nos quemaos haciendo algunos calculos sobre cuanto
>>> dinero necesitariamos para la conferencia,
>>> * Katering: Estamos sobre mas o meno 2000€ (mano de obra por nosotr en s),
>>> Si en madrid consigieron 700€/60 personas, creo que con 2000 las apañeremos.
>>> * Gasto trainers: si seguimos los de Nódebo seria 500€/4h y 1000/6h, si
>>> consideramos que tenemos dos salas y dos dias seria como 8 talleres de 4h =
>>> 4000€
>>> lo que no pensamos sonos los gastos de:
>>> 1) invitar alguien llamativo para una keynote => gasto alojamento y
>>> comida
>>> diria reservar por seguridad 300€/keynoter
>>> 2) marketing o sea, chapas, camisetas, bolsa etc etc... no idea los
>>> costes, esto tiene mas esperiencia los geocamper. NO he averiguado si
>>> Turismo del ayuntamiento nos da el kit turistico en una bolsa... lo
>>> averiguare'.
>>> Diria poner 2000€ si pero tener la minor idea del orden de grandeza de
>>> los costes.
>>> otos costes no planeados?
>>> si estos son los costes el total seria por debajo de 10.000€
>>> y estas son las fuente de financiación
>>> 1) 3500€ ayuntamiento
>>> 2) 4000€ en general pone QGIS (dependendo de un presupuesto)
>>> 3) 4000€ en general pone OSGeo (dependendo de un presupuesto)
>>> 4) sponsors
>>> estariamos bastante tranquilo con la pasta si todo sale bien y podriamos
>>> hacer la conferencia gratis y l¡planera mecanismo para que las personas se
>>> inscribieran obligandola a respetar el compromiso de atender (mas que otro
>>> por no tirar comida)
>>> Carmen, tu que teniste las cuentas del geocamp como los vee estos
>>> numeros?
>>> a tod en s... que opinais?
>>> Luigi Pirelli
>>> **************************************************************************************************
>>> * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
>>> * Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
>>> * GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
>>> * Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
>>> *
>>> https://www.packtpub.com/big-data-and-business-intelligence/mastering-qgis-second-edition
>>> * Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg
>>> **************************************************************************************************
>> --
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