[es_norte] QGIS UserConf: Report Kickoff meeting results
Luigi Pirelli
luipir en gmail.com
Mar Nov 13 12:57:29 PST 2018
me podeis decir si podeis entrar y ver el trello de las tareas pendiente?
Luigi Pirelli
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
* Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg
On Mon, 12 Nov 2018 at 22:34, Luigi Pirelli <luipir en gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> primero disculpáis si no he conseguido que este kickoff meeting con Lene
> Fisher fuese mas abierto... me dio' la disponibilidad el domingo por la
> noche por esta semana y lo he conseguido hacerlo anted posible este lunes a
> las 10 e estoy es el report:
> dates: 4. - 10. march 2019
> una primera hipótesis de fechas serian
> 4.- 5. workshops
> 6. User Conf conference:
> 7. dev meeting arrival
> 8. - 9. dev meeting:
> 10. dev meeting departures
> He puesto la UserConf el miercoles por la siguente rasones:
> 1) en medio de la semana los que trabajan le sale mas sencillo participar
> mas que el lunes
> 2) algunos del dev meeting puedes llegar un dia antes y participar a la
> conferencia
> tasks (desde los que hemos concordato con Lene):
> Task1: (Luigi)
> Update the wiki with more detailed data
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/wiki/22nd-Developer-Meeting-in-A-Coru%C3%B1a,-Spain
> Task2:
> Conference address: Agora Civic center (add to the conference webpage)
> webpage have to be done!
> Task3: (Luigi)
> Developer adress: Domus Museum (Add to the wiki page)
> Task4:
> Accomodation. Local hotel and b&b
> Expecting a meeting with Julio Fernandez Iglesia (Comunication
> responsible) and Lanzada Catalayud Alvarez (Gerente turismo)
> Task5: (Luigi)
> Topics for workshops / conference
> ask on dev and user list and Twitter
> Task6: (luigi)
> Call for presentations and workshops
> Launch this week or next one
> Deadline mid of december
> Task7:
> Streaming/Videorecording via ZOOM (
> - check dedicated wifi for videoconf
> - check mic and proyector availability at Conference venue
> Task8:
> WIFI (probably OK) but better a confirmation
> Jose' Maria (IT A Coruña) asked for thsi aspect, but I hadn't received
> answer
> Task9:
> Check for how many room available for workshops and parallel conference
> tracks
> Task10:
> Hosting to distribute Pre-installations virtual machine for planned
> workshops
> Task11:
> Have to be better defined
> Conference price pr. person 150 Euro (as previous Nödebo conference)
> In general should be to cover costs like buffet, coffe break or/and qgis
> contribution.
> Workshop Price pr. person 150-200 Euro (as previous Nödebo conference) to
> cover trainer costs.
> Task12: (Luigi)
> Check with municipality if inscription fee are a problem for a conference
> in a public place
> Task13
> Girona eventbureau ? (Lene)
> E.g. web platform to manage subscription and payments.
> Task14:
> Webpage of the conference
> Task15:
> Developer meeting arrival and departure
> A web spreadsheet (not only the hackmeeting wiki page) to manage arrival
> and departure to better calibrate food to avoid to spend money and waste
> food
> Task16 (Hopefully someone that already did Girona or a Barcamp)
> BUDGET !!!
> We need a budget draft useful to ask money to:
> QGIS, OSGEO, sponsors
> Task 17:
> Sponsor: (Partially Lene)
> Usually donate QGIS.ORG 5000 Euro basing on presented budget
> Usually donate OSGEO 4000 Euro basing on presented budget
> National chapters QGIS + companies (Lene)
> Task 18:
> Letter of invitation: (Hopefully QGIS.ES)
> For some attenders from outside EU, like Ucraine, some African countries,
> etc, they need formal invitation letters for Visa reasons.
> Task19: (Partially Luigi)
> Catering
> I already asked for a quete to www.comodoce.com a local katering.
> Should be asked to the Agora internal Bar too or and others
> Estoy preparando un Trello donde hacer la lista de los trasks, encargarse
> de alguno de estos, y monitorar las actividades.
> El board reliminar es:
> https://trello.com/b/GFNyWG8m/qgis-userconf-hackmeeting-2019
> Si no podeis entrar os ruego de avisarme para añadirvos al team.
> Empiezais a pensar los tasks de que podeis encargarvos.
> un abrazo
> Luigi Pirelli
> **************************************************************************************************
> * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
> * Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
> * GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
> * Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
> *
> https://www.packtpub.com/big-data-and-business-intelligence/mastering-qgis-second-edition
> * Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg
> **************************************************************************************************
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