[fdo-users] Postgis/OGR providers on Ubuntu?

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Aug 15 09:45:24 EDT 2007

Jo Cook wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to add the OGR and Postgis providers to my Ubuntu install of
> Mapguide Open Source and would appreciate it if someone could give me a
> little help with it.


There hasn't been any attempt to port PostGIS provider to Linux yet.
That means the provider has never built with GCC on Linux,
but only using Visual C++ 2005 on Windows.
Recently, I've been too busy to start it, but if there is anyone
willing to help, I'd appreciate it.

> I have tried to install the ogr provider from svn, but
> this failed at the beginning of the configure stage with the message 
> stdafx.h:3:17: error: Fdo.h: No such file or directory
> followed by line upon line of error. I can post a log file of this if that
> would be handy. Because the readme file with the source said that it wanted
> gdal 1.4, and it wanted it somewhere accessible, I compiled and installed
> gdal1.4.0 from source, which installed itself in /usr/local/share/gdal. My
> fdo installation (installed as part of the mapguide installation) is in
> /usr/local/fdo-3.2.2.

Yes, there are more similar issues possible because of lack of proper
configuration of the project for Linux platform.

> When I look at the postgis provider in svn, I can't even tell how I would go
> about installing it!

I'm afraid it's not possible yet.

Mateusz Loskot

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