[fdo-users] PostGIS Provider

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Tue Sep 11 11:15:08 EDT 2007


It's an interesting question :-)
Personally, I believe any unofficial URLs can be shared,
but I'm also aware it may cause users confused,
so perhaps we could put these beta binaries to download.osgeo.org,
if there is no formal problem with that.

Jason, what do you think?

-- Mat

Gwenael Bachelot wrote:
> Mateusz,
> Ok, thanks for your answer.
> What URL should I post for downloading the PostGIS OSGeo binaries ? 
> Can I post http://www.jasonbirch.com/fdopostgis/fdopostgis_alpha.zip ?
> Or could this binairy be posted on OSGeo Web site, even if it's in early
> stage ?
> Cordialement,
> Gwenael 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Mateusz Loskot
> Sent: mardi 11 septembre 2007 15:45
> To: FDO Users Mail List
> Subject: Re: [fdo-users] PostGIS Provider
> Gwenael Bachelot wrote:
>> I would like to discuss on the native FDO PostGIS provider developed
>> by Mateusz Loskot. I know there are binaries for release 3171 (april
>> 2007), and also other binaries provided recently by Jason Birch
>> recently.
> Gwenael,
> This old binaries were prepared by me, Jason and Haris prepared new
> binaries. My binaries are built using VC++ 2005 + SP1 and the SP1 makes
> problems for Jason and others. Unfortunately, I can not remove SP1 from
> my installation.
>> I tested these binaries on Map 3D 2008. I installed the VC++ package,
>>  and add the postgres needed DLLs (found thanks to Depends) to
>> FDO\Bin. Read works and I can check out features. But when I try to
>> check in modified features, Map 3D crashes.
> A 1-2 weeks ago, I was trying to download latest Map 3D but without any
> success. I'm getting message that there is no binary prepared for my
> location (geographical) :-)
> I have to confess that because of Jason needs the provider tested with
> MapGuide, and due to my current time limitations, I dropped testing with
> Map 3D for a while and focused on MapGuide only.
> Second, yes, there is some issue with geometries check-in, only OGC (2D)
> geometries can be inserted/updated for now.
>> My understanding is that the PostGIS provider is an ongoing
>> development.
> Yes, this is ongoing development, however I've been very busy with
> my other activities recently.
> Current version is the very first release of the provider. This is not a
> small piece of software, so it needs time for polishing, fixing, etc.
> Generally, I will continue work on the provider as my time permits,
> as I'm a volunteer contributor, but I can assure that at first place,
> I'll do my best to fix bugs in currently available operations.
>> But I would like to know if writing (updating geometries and
>> attributes) is in the scope ?
> Yes, it is.
> So far, I've tested only simple cases like:
> http://svn.refractions.net/fdopostgis/trunk/Samples/insert_command/inser
> t_command.cpp
>> Finally, I write an official Autodesk blog (again in French :-) at 
>> http://blogs.autodesk.com/geospatialfrance, and would like to post on
>>  this native provider.
> Great!
>> There is a lot of interest for PostGIS in France, and there could be 
>> some more testers after such a post. Is it too early to post on this
>> provider ?
> My personal opinion is, not it's not too early.
> The provider is out and usable, but there are hundreds of operations
> implemented and clearly it's not surprising there are still some issues,
> trivial as well as crucial.
> Cheers

Mateusz Loskot

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