[FOSS-GPS] Reading rtkrcv under GNU/Linux rtklib: PPP-static precision mode

Jean-Michel Pouré jm at poure.com
Thu Mar 3 02:11:41 PST 2016

Dear friends,

For learning purpose, I am trying to set a single receiver in PPP mode
in real time with fast corrections downloaded from Internet. This an
indoor test so don't expect high accuracy ...

Could you help me improve the settings and understand rtkrcv output.

Mes questions are:
1) How can I understand which satellites are received: Glonass, GPS or
SPS. This is not clear to me.
2) Where can I read PPP precision?
3) Why am I rover and not "base" as I use only one static PPP? Why is
rover seen moving? vel enu (m/s) rover?
4) How can I log ublog raw output AND in real time run rtkrcv? This
will allow me to make more precise PPP analysis afterwards.
5) What additional correction data can I load except

Thank you for your help. This will allow me in reply to modify
OpenStreetMap wiki with more details about RTKlib.

Here are my settings:
# standalone. for NTRIP set  type and path. yours are off
inpstr1-type       =serial     # serial
inpstr2-type       =off        # off || ntripcli
inpstr3-type       =ftp        # off || ntripcli
# ublox baudrate =ttyACM0:115200:8:n:1:off i guess
inpstr1-path       =ttyACM0:115200:8:n:1:off
path       =anonymous:user@@cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gps/products/%W/igu%W%D
inpstr1-format     =ubx
inpstr3-format     =sp3
# here path and permissions
misc-startcmd      =/etc/rtklib/rtkstart.sh
misc-stopcmd       =/etc/rtklib/rtkshut.sh
file-cmdfile1      =/etc/rtklib/data/ubx_m8t_glo_raw_1hz.cmd
file-cmdfile2      =/etc/rtklib/data/ubx_m8t_bds_raw_1hz.cmd

pos1-posmode       =ppp-static
#pos1-posmode       =single

# needed under GNU/Linux
file-tempdir       =/tmp

Status output:
rtkrcv> status 

Parameter                   : Value
rtklib version              : 2.4.2
rtk server thread           : -430520576
rtk server state            : run
processing cycle (ms)       : 10
positioning mode            : PPP-static
frequencies                 : L1+L2
accumulated time to run     : 00:39:18.6
cpu time for a cycle (ms)   : 1
missing obs data count      : 0
bytes in input buffer       : 0,0
# of input data rover       :
# of input data base        :
# of input data corr        :
# of rtcm messages rover    : 
# of rtcm messages base     : 
# of rtcm messages corr     : 
solution status             : PPP
time of receiver clock rover: 2016/03/03 10:04:55.000370322
time sys offset (glo-gps)(s): -19.668099106
solution interval (s)       : 1.000
age of differential (s)     : 0.000
ratio for ar validation     : 0.000
# of satellites rover       : 9
# of satellites base        : 0
# of valid satellites       : 4
GDOP/PDOP/HDOP/VDOP         : 7.9,6.4,3.6,5.3
# of real estimated states  : 0
# of all estimated states   : 128
pos xyz single (m) rover    : 4134911.121,224181.642,4835004.481
pos llh single (deg,m) rover: 49.61132865,3.10335536,151.405
vel enu (m/s) rover         : 0.006,0.032,0.056
pos xyz float (m) rover     : 4134911.121,224181.642,4835004.481
pos xyz float std (m) rover : 0.692,0.333,0.712
pos xyz fixed (m) rover     : 0.000,0.000,0.000
pos xyz fixed std (m) rover : 0.000,0.000,0.000
pos xyz (m) base            : 6378137.000,0.000,0.000
ant type rover              : 
ant delta rover             : 0.000 0.000 0.000
ant type base               : 
ant delta base              : 0.000 0.000 0.000
pos llh (deg,m) base        : 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.000
vel enu (m/s) base          : 0.000,0.000,0.000
baseline length float (m)   : 5334752.861
baseline length fixed (m)   : 0.000
monitor port                : 0

rtkrcv> satellite 

SAT C1 L1 L2  Fix1  Fix2  Sl1  Sl2  Lock1  Lock2 Rj1 Rj2  P1Res
P2Res  L1Res  L2Res    Az   El
G02 OK OK  -     -     -  204    0    534      0  87   0 -0.604 0.000
0.9855 0.0000 251.7 41.4
G05 OK OK  -     -     -  215    0    585      0 125   0 -7.719 0.000-
0.0808 0.0000 300.8 39.2
G06 OK OK  -     -     -   26    0   1806      0 385   0  2.914 0.000
2.5904 0.0000 200.5 24.9
G09 OK  -  -     -     -  112    0   1233      0 255   0  3.051 0.000
0.0000 0.0000  72.5 48.7
G16  -  -  -     -     -  281    0      0      0   0   0  0.000 0.000
0.0000 0.0000  33.2 12.9
G23 OK  -  -     -     -  200    0    509      0  36   0 -2.000 0.000
0.0000 0.0000  77.1 16.4
G30 OK OK  -     -     -  177    0    997      0 250   0 -0.765 0.000
2.8371 0.0000 180.6 48.2

R       P1(m)       P2(m)      L1(cyc)      L2(cyc)  D1(Hz)  D2(Hz) S1
10:07:07.0 G02 1 21630936.86        0.00 113671329.91         0.00  -
897.9     0.0 27  0 2 0
10:07:07.0 G05 1
21868006.91        0.00         0.00         0.00  2831.3     0.0 25  0
0 0
10:07:07.0 G06 1 23113786.87        0.00 121463738.26         0.00
-3264.9     0.0 40  0 0 0
10:07:07.0 G07 1
20486023.57        0.00         0.00         0.00   749.9     0.0 25  0
0 0
10:07:07.0 G09 1 21309039.46        0.00         0.00         0.00
-2005.6     0.0 26  0 0 0
10:07:07.0 G13 1
24590699.26        0.00         0.00         0.00  3564.1     0.0 26  0
0 0
10:07:07.0 G16 1 24206487.19        0.00         0.00         0.00
-1146.2     0.0 20  0 0 0
10:07:07.0 G23 1 23919284.28        0.00         0.00         0.00
-2820.0     0.0 21  0 0 0
10:07:07.0 G30 1 21293199.55        0.00
111896467.82         0.00  2763.1     0.0 31  0 0 0
rtkrcv> navidata 

SVH                 Toe                 Toc             Ttr/Tof L2C L2P
G02  OK  28  28   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:02:06   1   0
G03  OK  45  45   0   0  00 2016/03/03 10:00:00 2016/03/03
10:00:00                   -   1   0
G05  OK  98  98   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:06   1   0
G06  OK  59  59   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:06   1   0
G07  OK  37  37   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:36   1   0
G09  OK  15  15   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:06:36   1   0
G13  OK  74  74   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:06   1   0
G16  OK  43  43   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:06   1   0
G19  OK  25  25   0   0  00 2016/03/03 10:00:00 2016/03/03
10:00:00                   -   1   0
G23  OK  59  59   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:01:36   1   0
G30  OK  60  60   0   0  00 2016/03/03 12:00:00 2016/03/03 12:00:00
2016/03/03 10:00:06   1   0
R05  OK  51   0   1   0  00 2016/03/03 09:45:17                   -
2016/03/03 09:31:47   0   0
R06  OK  53   0  -4   0  00 2016/03/03 10:15:17                   -
2016/03/03 10:05:17   0   0
R15  OK  53   0   0   0  00 2016/03/03 10:15:17                   -
2016/03/03 10:04:17   0   0
R20  OK  51   0   2   0  00 2016/03/03 09:45:17                   -
2016/03/03 09:30:17   0   0
R21  OK  53   0   4   0  00 2016/03/03 10:15:17                   -
2016/03/03 10:06:47   0   0
R22  OK  53   0  -3   0  00 2016/03/03 10:15:17                   -
2016/03/03 10:01:47   0   0
ION:  1.58E-08  0.00E+00 -1.19E-07  0.00E+00  1.13E+05 -1.64E+04
-2.62E+05  6.55E+04
UTC: -9.31E-10 -3.55E-15  5.04E+05  1.89E+03  LEAPS: 17

Stream       Type   Fmt   S   In-byte  In-bps  Out-byte Out-bps Message
input rover  serial ubx   C   2865592    8614        72       0 
input base   -      rtcm3 -         0       0         0       0 
input corr   ftp    sp3   C        22       0         0       0 
output sol1  -      llh   -         0       0         0       0 
output sol2  -      nmea  -         0       0         0       0 
log rover    -      -     -         0       0         0       0 
log base     -      -     -         0       0         0       0 
log corr     -      -     -         0       0         0       0 
monitor      -      llh   -         0       0         0       0 

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