[FOSS4G-Oceania] Swag

Alex Leith alexgleith at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 19:23:13 PDT 2018

I’m still super keen on tea towels! Maybe I’m a bit of an old man, but I
could always use of tea towels and having one that reminds me of our
conference would be great!
On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 at 11:07 pm, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think it's a nice, creative idea. It avoids waste generated by the usual
> conference swag; if any attendees opt not to take books, we can sell,
> raffle, gift, and donate the extras.
> Possibly could identify a few publishers and see what kind of bulk
> discounts we could get - Locate Press, Packt Publishing, Safari/O'Reilly,
> and Manning are a few that jump to mind. (I notice Locate Press
> <https://locatepress.com/books>, run by Gary Sherman - the creator of
> QGIS - does printing in Australia).
> Potentially it's a good opportunity to engage the community in the next
> couple of months, with the question 'which books?'.
> Just having a look at the budget, we haven't actually allocated any
> specific money to swag, apart from t-shirts, this was a bit of an
> oversight. We'll need to adjust this and allocate something, since we
> committed to our sponsors. We have, however, allocated to some items we
> probably won't use, and we're sitting on a comfortable sponsorship surplus,
> so I think we'll have enough flexibility to come up with something.
> +1 for looking into the idea further and coming up with a cost estimate.
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Alex Leith
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