[FOSS4G-Oceania] Timeless marketing material

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 11:34:47 PDT 2018

One of my concerns after most conferences is the amount of stuff that 
gets thrown away post conference. I think we should aim to balance 
making people feel special and connected by providing a gift (which is 
important) against the burden of providing too much.

Collecting people's shirt size during registration reduces our need to 
over order shirt sizes. Good to see this already in place.

Good also to see that we are opting out of providing a show-bag of fliers.

For all personal gifts, we could provide an option on sign up of opting 
out of gifts, and instead have the funds put toward the "good-mojo" 
fund. I'd be interested to see how many people select that option.

Another example, we could offer people OSGeoLive USBs for workshops, or 
provide an option "I'll download the OSGeoLive prior to the conference 
and make sure I get it working myself. Save the cost for the Good mojo 

For banners which could be reused over multiple years, I suggest 
avoiding mentions of years of project version numbers etc.

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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