[FOSS4G-Oceania] Fwd: student/volunteer pricing

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 02:58:06 PDT 2018

I *think* the original idea was that volunteers would be expected to work a
shift, and could opt to pay for a discounted registration that would give
them access to the rest of the conference. But perhaps that's not ideal?
Let's see if we can work together here towards a better idea.

I'm hearing that volunteers shouldn't pay while they're working, which
makes sense to me. It has been suggested that we can cover the costs of
catering for our volunteers while they're on shift... assuming we have a
small volunteer workforce of around 4 or 5 people (TBD of course!),
Martin's estimate of ~$1500 is probably in the ballpark. If we remove the
15 'student volunteer' $200 tickets from the pool, and re-release them as
full price tickets, then this $1500 is more than covered (presuming we can
actually sell those additional 15 tickets).

However, it does leave the question of whether we provide any student
discounts at all for those who aren't volunteering, but simply wish to
attend the conference. We've had a few approaches already on this count,
and any adjustment we make at this point should probably be our final
decision on this matter. Perhaps we shoot for an approximately
revenue/cost-neutral approach with this.

I will also point out, we have $2000 budgeted for paid help, so should be
able to have somebody helping to run logistics on the conf days. Also have
$2000 budgeted for volunteer appreciation - so this could possibly be part
of how we reward volunteers. Maybe take them out for dinner after
everything's wrapped up?

*So, here's a proposal (estimated impact on budget in parentheses):*
- we source a volunteer workforce, require that they work full days, we
keep their workload light enough that they have the chance to see parts of
the conference on the days they're working
- to be clear, volunteers would not be expected to pay on the days they're
working, but no access offered on days when they're not working
- we feed the volunteers on the days they're working *(-$1500)*
- remove 15 discounted volunteer tickets @ $200 each *(-$3000)*
- for post-secondary students who wish to register, add 10 discounted
student tickets @ $250 each *(+$2500)*
- add 5 full price tickets @ $400 each *(+$2000)*
- committee members will be asked to participate in the execution of the
conference, eg. hang out at our 'sponsor' table, help out with the rego
desk, chat with sponsors, odd jobs as needed, so that it's not ALL on the
- conference code of conduct will apply to volunteers - nothing additional
required there

For students who simply can't afford to pay for rego, then volunteering is
an option. For students who can afford a bit, they pay $250 to attend,
which is slightly below the total per-attendee cost of putting on the

Sanity check? Does this make sense? Adjustments welcome.

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