[FOSS4G-Oceania] Travel grant program - call for ideas

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 03:51:33 PDT 2018

Adam, we'd better try and keep the ball rolling on this, ideally we'll have
something to OSGeo ahead of their next board meeting?

Can we consolidate these 2 docs?

   - Travel grant program ideas
   - Travel grant proposal

What are the priorities on this? Setting criteria, defining tiers/amounts?

Here's a sheet in our working budget
that shows how much we could *potentially* allocate to Good Mojo, assuming
all our committed sponsors come through. There's a surplus of just under
$4k, with potentially multiple demands on it. Just a thought, perhaps we
allocate $3k to the TGP, and continue to push hard on sponsorship to make
sure we have sufficient funds for additional Good Mojo initiatives as well
as other funding requirements.

Adam - what are the next steps?
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