[FOSS4G-Oceania] T-shirt supplier and sizes

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 18:08:20 PDT 2018

Thanks Daniel, appreciate you moving this forward!

Another thing to consider, we might want to get some extra t-shirts
printed, maybe some specifically for volunteers, maybe some as freebies,
maybe a handful to sell at the conf?

If we do this, the revenue from t-shirt sales would need to be supplemented
by a few hundred dollars to cover the extra cost. While we haven't budgeted
specifically for this, I feel our budget has been fairly conservative, and
the impact will be small, so I'm in favour of allowing ourselves some extra
breathing room in placing our t-shirt order.

All that said, +1 for choice of Tee Junction, sounds good to me.
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