[FOSS4G-Oceania] Request from The Spatial Community Slack channel

Daniel Silk dwsilk at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 14:28:56 PDT 2018

Hi all

I received this from the kiwi admin of The Spatial Community Slack channel:

> Question: is there a chance that The Spatial Community could get our
grubby mitts on one or two tickets for FOSS4G-Oceania to use in a giveaway
prize? Hopefully it would drum up interest in the event, as well as serve
to drum up interest in the Slack, and give a lucky person(s) the chance to
go, or at least attend for free.

For those unaware, The Spatial Community is a 3300 member Slack channel for
geospatial enthusiasts: http://thespatialcommunity.org/.


My feeling is that we have only allocated free tickets to those that need
it (e.g. travel grant programme applicants) and this should remain our

I asked if it would be possible to target a particular group (say:
community contributors to OSM or FOSS4G that are not employed within the
industry) for the giveaway and the response to that was a no - too hard to

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