[Foss4g2009] Re: Update to conference program

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Sun Mar 29 00:35:11 EDT 2009

Tour Hosts,
Could you confirm the answers to Marks Q's?

>> Are there any facilities for them to lock up stuff, or will they just
take it away with them 5pm (or whenever the exhibition closes)?

>>Another side note, we have Hall 6 flagged as waitlisted.  Is this still
the case, and if so what are we hoping to put there?

With regard to the second question I assume we released this after we made
the decision to use the parkside foyer for the exhibition?


2009/3/25 Mark Leslie <mark.leslie at lisasoft.com>

> I agree the ballroom is the ideal space, but we don't actually have the it
> booked.  From what I can see, the only rooms that might work that are
> already booked are the auditorium, but those seats are nailed down, and
> Parkside 110A.  There is the option of using the foyers, but they will be
> cluttered with exhibition stands.
> As a side note, exhibitioners are not likely to be hanging around until
> 8pm.  If their stands are in a foyer, they won't be able to lock anything in
> them.  Are there any facilities for them to lock up stuff, or will they just
> take it away with them 5pm (or whenever the exhibition closes)?
> Another side note, we have Hall 6 flagged as waitlisted.  Is this still the
> case, and if so what are we hoping to put there?
> Mark Leslie
> Geospatial Software Architect
> LISAsoft
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> Stephen Lead wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> Can we please block out 5.30 - 8.00 pm for Ignite, to give us an hour of
>> networking time before the presentations start?
>> The networking is an important component of Ignite, and ideally we'll do
>> it in the same room as the presentations, so we can just start the
>> presentations without needing people to file into the room.
>> I'll need access to the room from 4.30pm to set it up - I like to have
>> everything ready to go as soon as people start arriving at 530pm.
>> Ballroom A looks perfect based on the 360 degree tour as it already has a
>> stage set up, and the room can be resized depending on how many people we
>> get - this will allow us to be a bit flexible. It's good for the room to
>> feel a bit full without being cramped, and not so large that it feels empty.
>> Will Ballroom A be available from 4.30pm?
>> Whichever room we use, I'd like to have a mixture of seating and standing,
>> with a few rows of seats theatre-style but the majority of people standing.
>> I'll need a projector and PA system, power for the laptops, etc, but other
>> than that there are no special requirements.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> 2009/3/24 mapbutcher <mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com <mailto:
>> mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com>>
>>    Stephen,
>>    As discussed last week I've slated in Ignite into the program - find
>>    below the link to the program online:
>>    http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pm1bvJQodiW3WBYGU7MM0Og
>>    I'm unsure of what part of the SCEC would prove best for Ignite?
>>    You'll see from the program what rooms we have allocated + we have
>>    the parkside foyer which is allocated to the exhibition. More info
>>    on the rooms can be found here:
>>    http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_SCEC_Rooms
>>    Perhaps you could take a look and let us know what space would suit
>>    best and what other requirements are needed i.e. projectors,
>>    furniture, power etc etc
>>    The program has also been update to take account of the 8pm
>>    conference centre closing time
>>    Simon
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