[foss4g2014] js.geo, OSGeo LIVE, AGM, ten years, code sprint, booth materials

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jul 29 06:24:56 PDT 2014

> In the interest of a quick meeting tomorrow night, here is a list of
> questions.  Please provide your thoughts.  If these issues are already
> resolved, please reply with details.
> * js.geo details? More specifically, should this go in adjacent
> activities press release August 5th?
> * OSGeo LIVE list questions - mostly:
> ** 2. Is there a speaking slot available for the OSGeo-Live presentation?
> ** 3. What are your thoughts on printing DVDs/USBs of OSGeo-Live?

My opinion is that the OSGeo-Live USBs are the one cool takeaway from our
events.  I still love my FOSS4G 2010 (Barcelona) one, it has the
conference logo on it and is a great token, and (unlike the junk brochures
in the conference bag that get left in the hotel room) is actually useful
for years after.

> * Did we resolve the Annual General Meeting scheduling?  Did the
> website get updated with this?

I believe we agreed on the slot at the end of the Thursday sessions,
before the Gala dinner departure.  The website has not been updated.  (for
the record here is its wiki page:

> * There was a lack of interest in a “FOSS4G ten years on” thing with
> the initial people we approached.  Do we want to put a call to the
> discuss list or just pass on it?  Do we have time/space for it?

Venka gave this exact talk in Bremen for his keynote.

> * Are there really ~120 code sprint “yes” indications?

Do we have a wiki page setup yet for the code sprint, so sprinters can
begin to 'self organize' it?  e.g.

> * Which booth materials do we want neighboring chapters to bring?  Pop
> up banner?  Printed materials?  Books? (I'll bring GRASS and PostGIS
> In Action but there are also OpenLayers, GeoServer, and other books)

We should probably start to manage this through a wiki page (e.g.
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2013_OSGeo_Booth), list materials we need
etc.  As listed there, there are at least 2 OSGeo banners floating around.
 I have no idea what the U.S.A. chapters have for materials, would be good
to setup the wiki page with what we know, and ask the Discuss list.

> * http://www.djangocon.us/ is in Portland the week before, not sure
> how much geo will be there.  We could offer to cross promote.  Know
> any organizers or likely content?


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