[FOSS4G2016] weekly update 21.8.2016

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Fri Aug 21 07:15:50 PDT 2015


It's a shame, but the last weekly update goes back to end of June ;-)

Here is a new one:

Befor weekend starts, I have a last ToDo for everybody in the LOC:
Carmen and me just talked about the homepage and we want to present the 
LOC ("us") like I did it in the prosposal as well. So I'd like to please 
everybody, who is "in" LOC and is member in at least one of our working 
groups, please send a photo and a short text about you, what you are 
doing (in LOC or in general) to us (carmen at foss4g2016.org, 
anja at foss4g2016.org or me) until **end of next week** (28. of August 

So far, have a nice weekend!

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