[FOSS4G2016] suggestion to organize an OSGeo Hacking Event before FOSS4G 2016 in Basecamp

Astrid Emde (FOSSGIS e.V.) astrid.emde at fossgis.de
Sat Aug 22 10:03:50 PDT 2015



we could organize an OSGeo Hacking at the weekend before the conference.
GRASS project and QGIS project are interested (I asked them in Como at
FOSS4G Europe). Maybe some FOSSGIS/OSM folks would come too.

We could block the basecamp & BONNOX for the weekend before too. Like
this the basecamp would be automatically populated by active OSGeo
people. If there are no other plans we could also provide basecamp as a
meeting point/hacking place for monday and tuesday before the

We could look for a sponsoring to pay for dinks, food and maybe reduce
the price for rooms for the participants.

* http://www.basecamp-bonn.de/
* around 80 persons, when they share a caravan

BONNOX Nearby Hotel (on the other side of the road)
* http://www.bonnox.de/de/
* Betten?

I would like discuss this idea.

I really like the idea of the OSGeo Hacking at FOSS4G2016! So +1 from

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