[FOSS4G2016] Questions / PCO Contract / Design

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Aug 27 07:21:56 PDT 2015

Hi list,

tomorrow I'll give you a bright overview about the happenings this 
week, there were a lot of them!

In general it looks like, that we can really act now, sign contracts 
and so on....
First thing I'd like to fix is the contract with our PCO.

In the moment I am scanning their offer and I'd like to get your 
opinion on the below listed positions. I think most of them we can do on 
our own, but I want to hear your meanings first (especially Anton as 
there is some design stuff) - in brackets the rough costs in 1000.- (k), 
we could save by doing on our own:

1. Mailings - they offer to do three mailings to the registered 
attendees for us, two before and one after the conference. We have to 
deliver the inhold (1.5k)

2. layout Lanyard and name badge (0.4k)

3. If we want to have USB sticks (5.50.-/Stick) they offer tocreate the 
file for the stick (0.12k)

4. pocket guide (I'd prefer that instead of huge programs, we had them 
at last FOSSGIS, the layout was from SOTM-EU (1.5k)

5. make of room plans of WCCB for mailings, pocket guide, ... (0.5k)

6. banner inside WCCB (0,5k for layout plus 1.6k for production)

7. banner outside WCCB (0,5k for layout plus 3.4k for production)

8. management of exhibitors (together 3k)

9. system for registraion on-site, used for live-printing of badges 
etc. (7k)

10. hostesses for registration, speaker etc.pp. (5.5k - replaced by 
volunteer program)

Question to Jeff/others: They offer to setup s rtegistraiotn system, 
which also would include tre workshop registration. For me I trhink we 
are fine if we only use their payment-system and use the rest, we 
already have in use for FOSSGIS? This might save us another 3k.

I am happy for quick answers! If you think of not answering, please 
remember: I'd tend to cancel all above listed positions, but this must 
be done by someone else - maybe you ;-) ?


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