[FOSS4G2016] our Logo

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Wed May 20 04:04:22 PDT 2015

Hi all,

On 05/20/2015 11:01 AM, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Dear Orga-Team!
> For our proposal Dennis designed a preliminary logo for FOSS4G 2016 in
> Bonn. I've attached both drafts to this email. Dennis is willing to work
> on that logo a little more, but what he asked for is some input. Past
> FOSS4G-events hold a logo competition, to involve the community in the
> process of finding the conference final logo, such as here for the 2015
> event:

I see only one draft attached.

> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q1FOKCwqLOX-qWJ62_mdA1duVsUaGVcY6RJX0B1gtiI/viewform
> I'd like to kick out something similar, but in order to do this, I would
> like us all to point Dennis in some direction. So coming from that
> drafts we've already published to the world in our proposal I would like
> you all to comment them or also to throw in your own drafts.

My question would be how different the final result will be. E.g. will
it end up in detailed mountains or are the schematic lines intentional?

> The 2015 team started the competition last year in September, but having
> in sight upcoming events such as AGIT, InterGEO and of course the FOSS4G
> 2015 event in Seoul I'd like to finish that up earlier. I guess for
> marketing material for the upcoming INSPIRE Gepspatial World Forum,
> where Klaus Greve will be and also will introduce to the Bonner
> GeoSummer 2016 we are already late - that event starts by end of next
> week....

AFAIK, the 2014 team had a professional designer for the logo and the
corresponding things. I think their stuff looked really good (the logo
as well):

> So please get involved and announce your thinkings about our logo by
> sending an email to the list. At least think off the T-Shirt with the
> logo you'll have to wear in 2016 ;-)

That's also my measure: Would I wear a t-shirt with a proposed logo in
my free time?

> Please comment or bring in your ideas by end of May (31.05.2015)

Nitpick: I think it would be cool if we would use ISO dates to prevent
confusion :)


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